William Penwell
can you imagine---- dubs who may have donated for years towards building a kingdumb hall----and understandably feeling a close bond with it-----only to have the ownership taken by the watchtower-------whilst still having to donate the same amount!
I know a lot of them that would go along with this without question. The WT would spin it that the money is needed to go where the need is greater and most of the rank and file dubs would go along with it.
I know the WT does not tithe but they put a heavy guilt trip on to the members to contribute as much as they can to the KIngdum work. My parents would give a fair amount from the pension money to the Kingdum work.
What I am seeing locally is so sad..... the JWs here are so uneducated (sorry, but that's the only way I can describe it, and we all know why that is) that they really can't understand what this all means. Most of the congregation is pretty poor but they still give because they think it is for the "worldwide work" as in good for everyone. If you don't understand how the real estate industry works you can't see what's right in front of you.
I think this is an undercover "tithe" on a group basis. It's brilliant, really. Meanwhile, they keep them so busy with their "time tithe" that they don't have time to contemplate the meaning of what's in front of them.