My mom kept telling me to watch this video but I avoided it till coming here. Still couldn't watch the whole thing. It is very disturbing. Besides the fact they do equate leaving the org with leaving Jehovah (a huge dishonest thing, I know) there were two examples that really show how much control and manipulation they want JWs to be involved in. The one example where a sister describes how she met someone near a bus and the person mentioned they had been a witness at one time was not quite right. She talks to an Elder and gets the lady's address and starts going by time after time even though the lady isn't interested, even taking groceries. The woman would have to "out" herself if she was just trying to fade and wanted to keep it that way. It seemed a bit like mild stalking to me.
Then there was the example of the woman who was raised as a JW and faded for a couple of years. When she went back to the meetings, she finally agreed to let two sisters study with her because she knew they'd just keep asking. I mean come on, raised as a JW? How much is she gonna forget in two years?!!! Just more control. After these two examples, I had to stop and skip to the end.
I now understand why people are bugging me. I don't mind so much them counting time on me, but dodging the pull back in is wearing.
[I commented about all this on the Fading thread but I realized it belongs under this one.. I was going to delete and write about this under this topic but it looks like I can't delete it anymore.]