Pick one! Only one!...The main business of the WTBTS is: (1)Religion (2)Publishing (2) Real Estate.
JoinedPosts by Siddhashunyata
Pick One
by Siddhashunyata inpick one!
only one!...the main business of the wtbts is: (1)religion (2)publishing (2) real estate.
Evolution is not the answer.
by sleepy inevolution is not the answer to most of the important questions about life and how it got here.. if current evolutionary ideas are true they only tell a very small part of the story.. simply how random changes to animate and inanimate things can be mechanicly selected by sutible enviroments and prosper in them.. there is still lots about us to explain.. what is the source of the matter in our universe, what caused the "big bang"?.
what is consciousness and how does it work?.
what causes the fundemental forces and how do they work?.
I appreciate your patience with me as I re-introduce the subject of "consciousness". It is the "direct experience" of higher states of consciousness that validates such assertions as "consciousness has always existed" . The nature of that experience is so profound for those having it,that , for them , all reasoning about God must include that "fact". With the experience there comes a distinct sense that one is in relationship (connected) to that which is limitless and timeless. These "facts" become part of one's "world view" and therefore they are included in any reasoning that one does about God,life,death and the "process of change with continuity"(Evolution). In that world view there is more than just "Belief" vs. "Non-belief" (the subject of Corneilus Van Til). In that "world view" there is "Thinking" (which includes "belief vs. non-belief") and there is "Non-thinking"(the cessation of thought). It is when conceptualizing (thinking) stops that a higher state of consciousness becomes possible. Bringing that experience into this discussion puts the subject of "Evolution" in an entirely different light.Why? Because it raises the possibility that the purpose of "change with continuity" (Evolution) is the same as the purpose of "Belief". In other words Man is evolving to a "higher consciousness" of the "Reality" that he is connected to that which is limitless. If this is so, there will come a time when "Belief" ,as we now know it, will not exist.
Evolution is not the answer.
by sleepy inevolution is not the answer to most of the important questions about life and how it got here.. if current evolutionary ideas are true they only tell a very small part of the story.. simply how random changes to animate and inanimate things can be mechanicly selected by sutible enviroments and prosper in them.. there is still lots about us to explain.. what is the source of the matter in our universe, what caused the "big bang"?.
what is consciousness and how does it work?.
what causes the fundemental forces and how do they work?.
Evolution is what we call the process of "change with continuity". While we are familiar with clinical conclusions that there are many "types of consciousness" yet, we have not seen the importance of that fact when it comes to "Evolution". There may be a link between physical immortality and consciousness. Is it mere coincidence that at the speed of light time ceases and in certain meditative states time ceases.
Part III, Why Believe in God
by jst2laws inwhy believe in god, part iii .
in part ii i tried to explain how the method of hyperbolic doubt has affected modern societys thinking toward all things that can be doubted.
we have grown up in this society believing the modernist teaching that if it can not be proven it should be rejected.. therefore belief in god has been referred to as a matter of faith, as if to say it is most likely a fantasy.
What happens to knowledge when we stop conceptualizing?
My Real Name & Future Plans & Stuff
by Amazing inwhen i finished my exit series, i stated that i would post my real name, the names of the various players, like the elders in the various series, and the names of the molesters.
- my real name, yes, but i will limit the names of others identified, except where there is public documentation regarding a couple of pedophiles out of the 5 i personally knew.
one of those is my son-in-law's dad ... the other grandfather of my grandchildren.. i am creating my own personal web site: i still own a domain, and have access to some free web space ... so i will get my picture and name and bio up.
The disfellowshiping of a "church" member and the subsequent "shunning" is part of the internal workings of the religion. As such the civil authorities do not want to be involved however, if a link to "free speech" in the public interest( which would include the interest of various governmental agencies as well as private citizens) if this link can be established then everything changes. It would raise the question: Can a religious institution use the protection of the First Ammendment to subvert the public interest? Certainly free speech about child abusers and "church policy" is in the interest of the public. The time is right for this question to be raised against the WTBTS.
Will silentlambs Be DF???
by silentlambs inwell now we have it, what appears to be the pre-emptive strike from wt.. as of this friday three families who appeared on the dateline program have been informed judicial committees have been setup with a one week notice and it is alleged that they have been causing "divisions" within the organization.
i got my letter today, barbara anderson got hers yesterday and the other family earlier this week.. if you were a pr firm would you think it to be a good idea or a bad idea to df everyone a couple of weeks before the dateline program airs?
what do you think the american public will think of such a move?.
The WTBTS is walking a fine line in your case(Silent Lambs). If you are disfellowshipped unfairly they stand to face a public investigation of your case and their disfellowshipping procedures. Why? Because you will claim that "disfellowshipping" represents an attack on your character with the sole purpose of hindering free speech in the public interest. This moves the issue out of the grey area of "no governmental intervention in religion" and into the civil rights area of the First Ammendment.
by Siddhashunyata inthe mighty hand of technology has written the above words on the walls of the wtbts and on every kingdom hall across the world.
there is a war taking place but it is not being fought by "apostates", which term is a clever ploy by the wtbs to claim the "moral highground".
this war is about "social injustice ", abuse of human and civil rights, repression of conscience .this war is not about doctrine or belief.
The mighty hand of technology has written the above words on the walls of the WTBTS and on every kingdom hall across the world. There is a war taking place but it is not being fought by "Apostates", which term is a clever ploy by the WTBS to claim the "moral highground". This war is about "social injustice ", abuse of human and civil rights, repression of conscience .This war is not about doctrine or belief. This forum and other informative sites have seized the "moral highground " on these issues. The real threat to the WTBTS is the moral position taken by thousands of disillusioned and abused persons. The scale of this conflict is unprecedented in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses where , in the past, all voices of opposition were scattered or silenced through the internal organs of the WT/Awake magazines and various forms of congregational and bureaucratic intimidation and coercion. What direction will the conflict take? Some light is thrown on that question by the following exerpt from a N.Y. Times article titled " China Arrives at a Moment of Truth"....."A state monopoly of information has long been considered axiomatic for totalitarian governments, just as a LOSS OF CONTROL OVER INFORMATION (caps mine) has been regarded as POTENTIALLY FATAL(caps mine) for them....The resulting cascades of information are overwhelming the government's control mechanisms." What direction does the conflict take? The article continues...."While China is still some distance away from having TRULY ACCOUNTABLE LEADERS,(caps mine) the gap appears to be closing." Personal accountability is the direction the conflict must take. When that arena opens everything will change. Individuals make policies not corporations.
I'm thinking of applying for reinstatement
by Cygnus inok, here's how it is.. i just finished reading the "dead" thread.
now, listen.
i do not believe in life after death.
Although each case is different.... bear in mind that you cannot serve two masters and to your own self you must be true. I did what you are thinking of doing (although I was never disfellowshipped). I became very active and supportive of my wife. I could handle it but she could not. She estranged herself from me and began to fear me because I was able to do it all and still not give my "self" . She began to feel that she knew something about me that none of the "trusting " brothers knew and left me twice for periods of 5 months and 9 months. Those were times that tried my "soul". Keep in mind that I was "clean" and there was no infidelity or violence. The problem was her fear and ultimatly her disrespest. She came to despise me and the third time she left , I did not go after her. She divorced me. The closest I came to understanding why were her words : she did it to protect herself "spiritually". The reason I'm passing tis along to you is that I recognize what you are going through. The issue of life and death and a man's need for his wife's love are powerful motives. I tried to keep my marriage and family together but in the end her fear was more powerful than my love. She required more than my love, she required the death of my true self. I believe the W.T. is responsible for the decline of her character. My "real" wife, in her right mind, would have exalted "truth" over conformity. But each case is different and your wife may be a woman of solid character , in which case she will recognize the strength and love it takes for you to acquiesce. But can you both endure?
by Siddhashunyata in"adopt the pace of nature : her secret is patience.
" as catholic pedophiles continue in the spotlight and j.w.
rank and file become more entrenched in the "cleanliness" of their organization, the public expose' of j.w.
"Adopt the pace of nature : her secret is patience." As Catholic pedophiles continue in the spotlight and J.W. rank and file become more entrenched in the "cleanliness" of their organization, the public expose' of J.W. pedophile activity becomes more and more potent. The more developed and entrenched they become on this issue, the greater will be the devastation within their ranks......." The Sword of the law should never fall but on those whose guilt is so apparent as to be pronounced by their friends as well as foes." Jefferson
Is Anyone a Pantheist ?
by LucidSky inis anyone a pantheist ?.
in my search for the meaning of life, it has been only a month or two since i've actually become agnostic.
my reason for the final rejection of christianity was that i could not believe a god of love, justice and wisdom would create a world that along with life/pleasure would also foster death/suffering for seemingly infinite numbers of innocent and not-so-innocent beings.
Lucid, No this is not about intuition. This is about perception. Let me try to explain. Right now your mind is perceiving objects through a veil of symbols. This is occuring extremely rapidly. You must be very attentive to see it happening. The process of symbolization (Thinking) is a valid function of the brain whereas, perception is a function of the mind. The thought process is intefering with perception. You must experience this fact for yourself. This interference is epedemic and global, affecting the world population at large. This is the root cause of racial prejudice, nationalism, and other divisive motivation. To a racialy prejudiced person, the appearance of say a "black" man conjures a series of negative symbols(thoughts). These, in turn condition other thoughts etc. Every thing about the man is seen through this veil of symbols. The actual man is not seen at all. Perception is obscured. Now, the question is , why is it so important that perception be unobscured? It is important because of intelligence!!! Let me explain. The intelligence assosiated with "thinking" is slow and , more importantly it is limited. It is limited because it uses symbols. That's what gives so many "sides" to everything that can be discussed. The intelligence associated with perception is quick and unlimited because it does not use symbols but "sees" the thing itself. This is why a child's perception is so exalted. The intelligence associated with unobscured perception often sees solutions within the problems themselves. It is in this sense that I said Einstein "felt" Relativity. It is intelligence of a higher order. It is often dismissed or invalidated by calling it intuition, especially when that term connotes something mysterious or vague. No, this is real and it can be experienced . How? By watching within yourself how your thoughts are conditioned and how they interfere with YOUR perception. Seeing that fact within yourself is the first step to loosing its power to blind your perception. Direct unfettered perception ,and the meaning it yields, is what validates the statement.."they have eyes but they cannot see".