Interesting. Irony seems to have the same general chacter as delema although one wouldnt think so. Both tend to affect character . Life takes on a curiously unpredictable quality. . Inwardly we feel tension between a developing cynicism (resistance) and a developing tolerance ( acceptance). Out of this comes a complex and sometimes oblique character . An interesting person ,to say the least. Its as though Nature is polishing a stone. One definition of irony is "frustrated hope".
This character is under developed in JW because of so much denial. Ironies and delemas are often unthinkable because they (reality) conflict with ideology. For example I recall a Circuit assembly where a story was related how several brothers and sisters opted to go to the beach instead of the Sunday meeting. One of them drowned. Moral of the story : If they had been at the meeting they would all be alive. But the speaker failed to mention the then recent bombing that had taken place in an Australian Congregation . Those brothers and sisters in the front row had their faces blown off, literaly. If both stories are juxtaposed without denial, a different reality falls out and a different way of seeing life. Takes a strong mind. As a Witness, one of the questions I would ask myself was "Why delemas?" We want to do whats right so why not just give us a choice between right and wrong ? Why delemas? Which Siamese twin should die or will they both die or will they be vegetables? We wreck the plane , there's nothing to eat but each other. etc.
By the way, years ago, from the podium: "Brothers ,in the Ressurection will you be able to forgive those who wronged you in this life? Surely our love will be tested. Think about it. If you were eaten by a cannibal and God saw fit to ressurect him would you be able to forgive him ?" No delema or irony. Just do the right thing.