blownaway - As I said you are being a pedant.
Pink unicorns don't exist. God doesn't exist. These two statements are equally certain.
'Proof' in the sense you are using it belongs only to mathematicians where is equates to tautology.
When asked whether they believe that pink unicorns exist nobody witters on about proving a negative and claims to be an agnostic about pink unicorns. So why is the god question any different?
fYou miss the point all together. Its not a matter of what one believes. I don't believe in the god of the bibles existence no more than I believe in a 1953 Cadillac orbiting Saturn, but I also can not prove this. No evidence for is not proof of non existence of. Black swan events are because when something is not possible sometimes it actually is. So you can not say I can prove when you can not. Tell me you went to Andromeda and checked under every rock and did not find god? And the rest of the universe? No, So all you really have is the fact like Me that I have seen not evidence that there is a god. I can not say there is not some kind of supreme being or Aliens beings or flying spaghetti monster, I have seen nothing to show me they exist but at the same time I have no proof that some where in the universe they do. And neither do you. You are confusing evidence of absence with absence of evidence.