@ Frezia - I too am sincerely sorry to hear of your loss.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Keep strong.
less than 5 hours ago my great dad fell asleep the last time :( still in a bit of a shock and sad that i will not see him again...i promised myself that once he is here no more, i will somehow make my move out of this organisation who kept us all captive believing in a fantasy of an everlasting life :( i am in a tricky situation, since raised as jw, still in, married to an active jw, and pretty sure that all in my social and family circle will turn their backs on me if i finally say goodbye to a fairytail ;(.
by barbara anderson.
when my husband and i left the religion of jehovah’s witnesses (jws), we, like countless others, lost family members and friends because of the witnesses shunning doctrine.
oh this is just worth sharing!.
so , as many know, it has been two years since i have attended any meetings, conventions, etc....nothing...cold turkey.. the hassles and problems the elders threw our way were monumental....so many details i could share, but suffice it to say, we stood firm and kept our dignity and poise and reminded them of "appropriate boundaries ".
one elder in particular has since spared no effort in ensuring that malicious gossip and slander has been spread so that witnesses have avoided us like the plague!.
if i mention "1984" you will probably think of george orwell and his book " 1984".however i think of "1984" as a year in my life when watford football club reached the f.a cup final.
( the f.a cup is the biggest footballing occasion in english sport, and my club " little watford" were in it) but instead of going to watch the game, i was forced by my dad to miss attending the match and prioritize on theocratic w.t study.. so for me the year 1984 was the year i should have woken up to " the truth about the truth" sadly it took another 30 years of generation and doctrinal change before this boy became " awake" and understood his defining moment and realized he was fooled by the w.t.. anyway 1984 was a long time ago, but today in 2016, i realized 1984 had a " modern day 2016 application" that happened last saturday, when i took my boy to watch my " little " watford play "mighty "manchester united" and we won 3.1. now it's wednesday and my boy and i are still on cloud 9, even orlandos school teacher started monday lessons by saying " well done watford ".
yes little watford outplayed and beat the mighty united.
I remember the 1975 debacle. My parents were first contacted and studied with the JW's about 1972 / 73. The book (orange in colour) that my brothers, sister and I studied was, if I remember correctly, titled; 'From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained.'
I was about 8 or 9 years old at the time. Too young to understand what it was all about however, I still remember clearly how the 'end' was supposed to come in 1975.
Fast forward to 2004 / 2005 - life for me was a treadmill - work, meetings field service, year in and year out. It became so monotonous that I was literally losing my mind. So many missed opportunities be it professionally and at home. In the end I became so disillusioned with it all that I had no option but to bail out - for my own sanity. It was then that I began my slow fade.
I have since advanced in my career, and on the homefront I'm much more relaxed and really enjoying life. Best decision I ever made.
well, hell!.
i had dizzy spells and near-fainting and nausea for a few days, so why wouldn't i start thinking about death, ya know?.
am i just very lax in my responsibilities in having no plans at all?isn't that irresponsible?
Am I just very lax in my responsibilities in having NO PLANS at all?
Isn't that irresponsible? Sure it is. .... TerryWalstrom
Yep; I'm ashamed to admit it however, I've made no plans in this regard.
I had better make arrangements now, rather than leave my immediate family in the lurch!
for those interested, this is the video of mouthy's (grace) funeral from september 8, 2016. https://youtu.be/yvmiwo0ycds.
thanks again everybody for the kind words about her - she will be sorely missed by our family as i know she will be by many of you too!
if you were part of a judicial committee, and knowing what you know now, what was it like for you to sit on jc’s?
how did you feel if someone was reproved or df’d?
were you ever on a jc and you disagreed with someone being reproved or df’d and were overruled – how did you feel?
i think it would be a good idea to start a thread with suggestions on how to start a journey away from the w.t.
obviously circumstances are different for each individual.. my advice is:-.
a) fade gently but with the objective never to return.. b) my opinion on beliefs and theology is that if they are not verifiable and relevant to your everyday life then set them aside for now.. c) if you have spent your life sincerly believing your ministry was helping in the most important work beiing done on the earth, then i would would suggest simply by being ethical in speech and action, will effect others in a positive way evangelizing as a j.w never could.. d.) as for armeggedon, that's simply control by fear.
Depending on your immediate family circumstances eg. having parents, siblings that are in the Org and you therefore face the possibility of being shunned, it would be advisable, before leaving, to build up relationships outside of the Org. In other words have a network of friends, acquaintances, extended non-JW family etc that you can associate with.
charmain carr, the actress that played liesl von trapp in the film sound of music, has passed away at the age of 73.. r.i.p.. sound of music was one of the first films i saw.
really enjoyed it.. https://uk.yahoo.com/movies/charmain-carr-liesl-from-the-sound-of-music-dies-at-73-072733602.html.
Charmain Carr, the actress that played Liesl Von Trapp in the film Sound of Music, has passed away at the age of 73.
Sound of Music was one of the first films I saw. Really enjoyed it.
i know that it must seem silly to ask, but my brother and his family think that the big a will arrive before they die.
i tried to explain to my brother that everyone else who has ever lived in the past has died and only jesus has [physically] rose from the dead.. it is amazing that anyone could buy that line.
what crazy cult culture that could make people believe such nonsense?!.