Hi Ann ,
thanks for your answer , it is funny that you asked about pressure , my friend did say that one of the ladies , the brighter tack of the two , for want of a better description , has mentioned to my friend that it might be better if the studies continued with just her and my friend . As I said these studies have been going on for some years now and my friend is no nearer to going to a KH than she ever was . This is not because of me , she said from the beggining that she would not convert , but I suppose that they thought that they could win her over . Probably the lady B who mentioned this thinks that it is my influence that is keeping my friend away . Also the other lady R who is wonderful , but not the brightest star in the sky , is easily distracted by me and will go off on long tangents answering my questions so disrupting the flow of the studies .
I wondered if someone higher up is putting pressure on B as my friend has made no progress towards becoming a JW after all this time . I noticed just on another thread how visits by COs can cause panic if awkward questions may be asked . Am I putting 2+2 together and making 5 ?
With regards to people learning TTATT I struggle because being an Anglican I question whether JW theology is enough for salvation . YOu are still in to some extent so this is tricky but I do want to discuss this with someone "in the know " if I am being upsetting then tell me to back off and I will understand . Many of the ex JWs on the site are now atheists and do not have any sympathy with my line of thinking .It has just occured to me (der ) that I do not know your feelings on matters theological so I will shut up now .
Any suggestions or advice that you can give on TTATT would be appreciated Janet