Anyone , Christian or not should be concerned about civil rights , freedom of speech , women's rights , child ( and vulnerable adults ) protection . I speak as a Christian , an Anglican , and all my fellow Christians are concerned about those issues .
Loveforgod , it's great that you are searching for a relationship with Yaweh and people with whom you can share that faith . You say that JWs have some ideas and outlooks that resonate with you . That may be their theological teaching about the Trinity ( that it doesn't exist ) or maybe just their family values and apparent love for each other . I say apparent because many on here will tell you how former friends and even family have very quickly turned their backs when they when they started to question and doubt .
You have already realised that asking questions is a no no , and you will find that any kind of dissent is quickly squashed . I would try going on an Alpha Course if you can . Anglican , Catholic and other denominations run them . Each Alpha Course is the same so it doesn't matter which group you choose . You will be encouraged to ask questions and express doubts . If nothing else it would give you a base on which to compare the Watchtower and other faith groups , which l really recommend that you do before letting the Watchtower get it's hold on you . When once you are baptised they will effectively have total control over you , even to the point of requiring you to shun your lovely children if THEY deem it necessary . Before you give them that power please research and check out all the options on the market .
If you want you can pm me for further discussion .