Earnest , of course it changes the meaning which is why the WT does it , to fit in with their assertion that the Pre Jesus person was Michael - a created being .
As far as l know the WT is the only organisation to insert those words into the passage . The word "other "is not in the Greek and as far as l know ( though l will be corrected if wrong ) there is no grammatical reason to include it there .
The WT HAS to do this otherwise the verses read " For in him ALL things were created ....... ALL things have been created through him and for him " So Jesus was not part of created things .
This ties in with John 1 : 3 " Through him ALL things were made ; without him NOTHING was made that has been made . Again Jesus is not a member of things created .
To say that this has to be done to make sense of the passage only make sense to the WT and their theology .
Now l realise that most people on here couldn't give a flying fig about this but any JWs on here with doubts about the WT should take note .