Wishing you a speedy recovery . Glad it all went well .
hi friends i`ve finally got an appointment to go to hospital tomorrow ,pre-admission for my hip replacement surgery.. so if you don`t hear from me ever again ,it means i`ve carked it .lol, should i even joke about that ?.
so its goodnight from me till who knows when ?.
Wishing you a speedy recovery . Glad it all went well .
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
Steel l am going to have to disagree with your joining up of church attendance and being anti-vax , anti mask etc .
I don't know about America but here in UK all churches are behaving responsibly and have complied with all the lockdown restrictions . Many churches are being used for vaccinations with church members volunteering as car park attendants etc . If anything the only people l know who are anti-vax are 2 ex JWs . One is anti any vaccine .
i just watched the oprah interview.
i know that many view them with little interest as just entitled wastes of space and i get that.. however, the description of how they were "trapped" and silenced and forced into perpetuating the system with little or no personal freedom rang bells for me.
they are effectively shunned, estranged and disparaged by their family and cut off from support.
Myname I totally agree . Harry in particular knows how this works . Meghan isn't a child she must have realised that life would change , maybe not quite how much , but she wanted to marry a Prince that means commitment.
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
So I'm confused - l just got this off the CDC website.
Sorry about the pic . That's my cousin Andrew.
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
apparently , some bright spark has created a new sexuality - super-straight - and posted it on twitter.
it's a new sexuality that means people who are exclusively attracted to cisgender males or females.
it was made because some people are saying you aren't straight if you don't date transgender people.
Have l been doing it wrong all this time ?
apparently , some bright spark has created a new sexuality - super-straight - and posted it on twitter.
it's a new sexuality that means people who are exclusively attracted to cisgender males or females.
it was made because some people are saying you aren't straight if you don't date transgender people.
Wot ?
we were told we were part of the world if we got involved in politics.
if we had employment that had political involvement we were instructed to get another job.
we were told we might be considered disassociated if we voted and then it became questionable.
Rattigan that last sentence is chilling .
If told by the GB to wage war on non JWs then the rank and file would start killing
And religions get involved in politics for all sorts of reasons . Lobbying governments to cancel the debts of the poorest countries , which are being hit the hardest by covid is one example .
The Watchtower is not know for it's charitable work , or caring for the poor .
we were told we were part of the world if we got involved in politics.
if we had employment that had political involvement we were instructed to get another job.
we were told we might be considered disassociated if we voted and then it became questionable.
Why would COs or DOs or the GB tell people how to vote ? Anglicans are politically active but my vicar doesn't tell me how to vote .
Anyone can be a conscientious objector and not fight . That is nothing to do with being involved in politics. That is up to individual consciences.
Those are not valid reasons for non involvement in politics. As with most JW dictats it is to do with control and keeping Witnesses away from non Witnesses.
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
Pistol , with respect just because covid wasn't a problem for you doesn't mean that it isn't a problem for all those people with underlying health problems, many of whom are young people . Should they simply be allowed to die because they have other problems , like a disability?
Also what about the strain on hospitals coping with so many people who are extremely ill needing expert nursing ?
The knock on effect of other patients not getting the care they need , what about them ?