Sea Breeze , yes .
"jesus christ was resurrected on nisan 16, 33 c.e., the day when the jewish high priest offered up the firstfruits of the barley harvest.
this fits in accurately with jesus' being the "firstfruits" in the resurrection of the human dead.
(1 cor.
Sea Breeze , yes .
"jesus christ was resurrected on nisan 16, 33 c.e., the day when the jewish high priest offered up the firstfruits of the barley harvest.
this fits in accurately with jesus' being the "firstfruits" in the resurrection of the human dead.
(1 cor.
Not quite sure what your question/ point is Doug .
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
My ( simple ) understanding is that vaccines don't stop anyone from getting covid . You just don't get it so badly that you would have to be hospitalized or even die . Like the common cold it will be around for ever , most likely.
So people who have been vaccinated can still get it and pass it on to someone who hasn't yet been vaccinated.
Masks don't protect the wearer , they make a , yes not fully efficient , barrier to what we breathe out .
So until as many people as possible have been immunised the current safety measures are still necessary.
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
Just out of interest is it only ex JW Americans who are anti-mask ?
i had my 1st rona vaccination last saturday.
i had the one i jokingly call the asteroid xenomorph.. the whole thing was well organised.
i felt fine until the next day.
I had mine about 3 weeks ago , I'm 65 . My partner who is 60 ( yes l have a toy boy ) had his last week . These are first jabs btw . I am hearing of 50s and up being called in now .
Where l went everyone was great and it was all very efficient.
I do have trouble getting comfy in bed with the extra arm now , but l expect l will get used to it .
here in the uk, we've had a recent missing persons case which has turned into a potential murder inquiry.. sarah everard (33), disappeared on wed 3 march in london.
human remains were subsequently found in a wood near ashford, kent, and a met police officer has been arrested on suspicion of murder.. horrible events, and the issue of women feeling unsafe on the streets certainly needs discussing.. but surely not what baroness jones suggested: tabling an amendment for a 6pm curfew for all men.
I am a woman , a clue in my picture l hope , and l think that it's a daft idea .
A policeman is suspected of the murder , so by that logic if he's found guilty all police men should be kept of the streets at night . The vast majority of men would never dream of violence of any type towards a woman . Why should they have to suffer for what is a minority of their sex ?
hi friends i`ve finally got an appointment to go to hospital tomorrow ,pre-admission for my hip replacement surgery.. so if you don`t hear from me ever again ,it means i`ve carked it .lol, should i even joke about that ?.
so its goodnight from me till who knows when ?.
Wishing you a speedy recovery . Glad it all went well .
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
Steel l am going to have to disagree with your joining up of church attendance and being anti-vax , anti mask etc .
I don't know about America but here in UK all churches are behaving responsibly and have complied with all the lockdown restrictions . Many churches are being used for vaccinations with church members volunteering as car park attendants etc . If anything the only people l know who are anti-vax are 2 ex JWs . One is anti any vaccine .
i just watched the oprah interview.
i know that many view them with little interest as just entitled wastes of space and i get that.. however, the description of how they were "trapped" and silenced and forced into perpetuating the system with little or no personal freedom rang bells for me.
they are effectively shunned, estranged and disparaged by their family and cut off from support.
Myname I totally agree . Harry in particular knows how this works . Meghan isn't a child she must have realised that life would change , maybe not quite how much , but she wanted to marry a Prince that means commitment.
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
So I'm confused - l just got this off the CDC website.
Sorry about the pic . That's my cousin Andrew.