Fedup Walmart sells guns .
To blame the more recent rise in knife crime on the 1997 gun ban doesn't work . There has been a rise in knife deaths in the last few years but that's nothing to do with the 97 ban . If there was a direct correlation then knife crime would have shot up in 1998 .
Also you are still less likely to be stabbed in the UK than in the US . It's not a big percentage difference tbh but still less likely. You are a LOT less likely to be shot in the UK than in America .
After a mass shooting took place in a school in Dunblane Scotland the public called for an enquiry into how the gunman got hold of a weapon. There was a petition with 750 000 signatures calling for even tighter gun control .
The fact is the UK has much less violent crime than America . Any look at any given statistics confirms that.
Gun violence breeds gun violence