AZ , some cold like symptoms after the first shot nothing after the second.
I know lots of people with much the same experience.
hi all.. i'm 42 years old.
i have had two jabs of the oxford-astrazeneca vaccine.. after my first jab i experienced flu-like symptoms - shivering, wanted to lie down in a dark room, etc.. i experienced no side effects after my second shot.. how about you?.
how many jabs have you had?.
AZ , some cold like symptoms after the first shot nothing after the second.
I know lots of people with much the same experience.
looting is happening everywhere like never before.
brazen thieves walk into stores and bring a bag with them and simply throw whatever they choose in the bag.
popular chain stores have closed in certain neighborhoods because it’s just not worth it.
8I do know that you can't walk into any shop and buy a gun with checks being done . However given the amount of mass shootings in the States over the last few years those checks clearly don't stop guns getting into the hands of unstable people.
As l said one mass shooting was enough for us Brits to say that's it , no more innocent people die because of gun ownership .
The figures quoted are for violent crime overall, including domestic abuse, muggings etc . I guarantee that non of those incidents included someone being shot
The reports that you used did say that America has the largest prisoner population of most countries .
Another group of gun victims that l came across were the people killed accidentally by guns .
In 2020 92 children were killed by guns and most often the " killer " was an older sibling usually brother. Then there are the innocent bystanders caught in crossfire.
How the hell does a family recover from the fact that one child has been responsible for the death of another ? How the hell does the shooter live with themselves?
In the UK this just doesn't happen and we want to keep it that way
I looked into rioting and looting and yes going back quite a few years some major cities did experience this , though no shooting because no guns . The trigger was the death of a black man and a lot of damage was done .
The recent protests in London were nothing to do with BLM but were protests against lockdown
looting is happening everywhere like never before.
brazen thieves walk into stores and bring a bag with them and simply throw whatever they choose in the bag.
popular chain stores have closed in certain neighborhoods because it’s just not worth it.
Fedup Walmart sells guns .
To blame the more recent rise in knife crime on the 1997 gun ban doesn't work . There has been a rise in knife deaths in the last few years but that's nothing to do with the 97 ban . If there was a direct correlation then knife crime would have shot up in 1998 .
Also you are still less likely to be stabbed in the UK than in the US . It's not a big percentage difference tbh but still less likely. You are a LOT less likely to be shot in the UK than in America .
After a mass shooting took place in a school in Dunblane Scotland the public called for an enquiry into how the gunman got hold of a weapon. There was a petition with 750 000 signatures calling for even tighter gun control .
The fact is the UK has much less violent crime than America . Any look at any given statistics confirms that.
Gun violence breeds gun violence
looting is happening everywhere like never before.
brazen thieves walk into stores and bring a bag with them and simply throw whatever they choose in the bag.
popular chain stores have closed in certain neighborhoods because it’s just not worth it.
Yes we have a problem with knife crime , as to the stats l will check that. Your previous post implied that the UK and other European countries had worst gun crime than the US which isn't right .
Someone with a knife is unlikely to commit multiple murders like those seen all to often in the US with mass shootings too easy to perpetrate with automatic weapons.
Unfortunately kitchen knives can be used to kill or maim so the banning of knives would be impossible .
looting is happening everywhere like never before.
brazen thieves walk into stores and bring a bag with them and simply throw whatever they choose in the bag.
popular chain stores have closed in certain neighborhoods because it’s just not worth it.
I'm not sure where those facts come from but l have been doing some digging which underlines my own experience of life in the UK .
The figures for gun murders in the US compared to the UK are much the same wherever you look . There are far more gun murders in America than Britain .
Roughly 4.46 per 100000 US compared to 0.02 UK deaths .
Brits don't like guns , don't own guns and are largely bemused by the American obsession with them .
I would have no idea where to buy a gun . The fact that in America they are readily available in supermarkets is just weird to Brits . Guns simply do not figure in the British psyche.
looting is happening everywhere like never before.
brazen thieves walk into stores and bring a bag with them and simply throw whatever they choose in the bag.
popular chain stores have closed in certain neighborhoods because it’s just not worth it.
I have just realised Black Lives Matter? Doh 🙄 . As l said it's only America with the particular issues being discussed .
looting is happening everywhere like never before.
brazen thieves walk into stores and bring a bag with them and simply throw whatever they choose in the bag.
popular chain stores have closed in certain neighborhoods because it’s just not worth it.
Anon , maybe more countries than USA have BLM ( whatever that is ) but most don't have looting and gun problems . That seems to be something peculiar to America.
i have to share.
i went to the supermarket last night and got one item.
i placed the 10 dollar bill on the item.
Smiddy , sorry l accidentally pressed dislike on your post about your d-i-law. I agree with everything you said. I worked with the public for years and customers can be awful.
There is no excuse for rudeness from salespeople but maybe reasons, like customers being nasty. Or maybe personal problems .
I like the saying " customers can be rude , ungrateful , ignorant and downright nasty- but always right "
par 7. jws are proud of bring uneducated to the point of being anti education.. par 8. the boreans studied what they were told and verified it, unlike the forbidden research now.
a religion that sprang from the adventist movement in the 1800s, founded in america, headquartered in america but not american.
Rocket may l ask which religions admonish education as useless ? I honestly can't think of any .
i’m seeing my hard core believing relatives slowly losing faith that the watchtower is the organization that “god” is using to represent him on earth.. just about all the churches in their area have opened up.. but not the watchtower.. this is having an affect on the faith of even the old timers.
now the only ones who are still holding the faith are the female jws and only those past 70 years of age.
even my old male jw relative past 70 are starting to say that it can’t be jehovah’s organization because the other churches are all open and god supposed organization who is supposed to preach the warning message is still closed with no open in sight.
My church couldn't wait to get back together in person . My Bible study group is still meeting on Zoom , but we do normally meet in someone's lounge and at the moment some of the older more vulnerable members feel uncomfortable with that .
Also during our study l have a ( small ) glass of beer and no one says a word .