As a Christian l am curious as to how many deniers of evolution there are . I don't know any
Is this mainly a JW , Mormon , Deep South Baptist thing ?
I've just finished a book by John Polkinghorne entitled " Theology in the Context of Science" and am part way through another book by Hugh Ross entitled " Improbable Planet "
Polkinghorne was ( he died recently) a professor of mathematical physics at Cambridge and an Anglican Priest .
Ross is a Canadian Astrophysicist.
Francis Collins a physician - geneticist who led the Human Genome Project has also written about science in the context of faith. Notably in the " Language of God " .
All these men are Christians who have no problem merging science and religion
As l said l don't know any Christian who has a problem with this .
The comment above about seeing the creation account as an allegory and how faith has to evolve is pretty spot on . Genesis was written at a time when no one knew about the composition of living things , genetics , the make up of stars etc . It was written for it's time .
Incidentally Polkinghorne points at that actually we ARE all technically stardust . How cool is that?