Punk , l could belong to that tribe, if you include choc eclairs.
Politics, celebrities for the ugly . Ouch . 😂.
this is happening in western australian indigenous communities .... quote: "some american-based preachers are distributing emails and videos warning that covid-19 vaccines are evil and the work of satan, and the notion has infected some christian communities in the west australian outback.. veteran aboriginal health worker kathy watson said people spreading false information about the covid-19 vaccination and its links to the devil were "mad".".
see more at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-06/anti-vacc-church-speaks-out-against-misinformation/100430208.
Punk , l could belong to that tribe, if you include choc eclairs.
Politics, celebrities for the ugly . Ouch . 😂.
this is happening in western australian indigenous communities .... quote: "some american-based preachers are distributing emails and videos warning that covid-19 vaccines are evil and the work of satan, and the notion has infected some christian communities in the west australian outback.. veteran aboriginal health worker kathy watson said people spreading false information about the covid-19 vaccination and its links to the devil were "mad".".
see more at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-06/anti-vacc-church-speaks-out-against-misinformation/100430208.
As a Christian l would like to point out that
A) it's American based opposition to vaccines. not surprising given all the conspiracy theorists there
B) it's not just religious folks spreading this stuff . See WTWizards post above
C) religion produces insanity, my friends Napoleon and DaVinci totally agree with me that this is not true .
this item just featured on the bbc lunchtime news today as the headline story and the piece included a reporter who singled out jehovah's witnesses for discussion from the 30 organisations covered by the report.
the news item then went on to feature an extensive interview ex elder and ex jehovah's witness writer lloyd evans..
Earnest, thank you for that. I know that l let emotion take over from reason when l posted and l did wonder if l had gone a bit far .
I would hope that lessons were learnt from this.
is most of the promotion of creationism, not just that by the wt, charlatanism?.
https://www.fullmoon.nu/sources.bak/chapter%2010/part%202/gish%20exposed.html [which has an article called "creationism: bad science or immoral pseudoscience?
- (an expose of creationist dr. duane gish)"] says the following.. 'a look at the "scientific" creationist movement and a close examination of the tactics of a well-known and influential creationist will reveal that the creation "science" movement gains much of its strength through the use of distortion and scientifically unethical tactics.. .... with the facts explained and the lawsuits won, scientists declared victory and returned to their labs and offices.
Thanks Disillusioned. Yes l am in the UK . I am an Anglican and again l find all this quite bemusing. The Anglican church is very Bible based. I am doing the readings and prayers for the evensong service tonight and l have 2 OT passages to read.
All sermons, who ever gives them, are Bible based . I attend a Bible study group in which we read a passage from the Bible and discuss it .
As l said l don't know any young earth creationists . I still think that all Christians are creationists as in we believe in a creator.
Also there are lots of scientists, l have named 3 of many who are Christians.
I agree with Sea Breeze that this is not a salvation issue and l won't argue about it . I am just surprised at the figures .
minimus former jw, prolific poster on jwn died.. minimus.
joined 19 years ago.
started 4,139 topics.
RIP Minimus . Such sad news .
this item just featured on the bbc lunchtime news today as the headline story and the piece included a reporter who singled out jehovah's witnesses for discussion from the 30 organisations covered by the report.
the news item then went on to feature an extensive interview ex elder and ex jehovah's witness writer lloyd evans..
Earnest, you are saying that it took from 2006 to 2018 for this abuse to be reported!!!!. When the victim said that the abuse hadn't stopped !!!!! .
That is deemed acceptable? What was happening to the victim during all that time ? Did any one care ?
You say this as if that lets the WT off the hook . You cannot seriously believe that they acted responsibly .
Sorry , l know that l am being very confrontational but maybe it needs that to highlight everything that is wrong with that statement.
is most of the promotion of creationism, not just that by the wt, charlatanism?.
https://www.fullmoon.nu/sources.bak/chapter%2010/part%202/gish%20exposed.html [which has an article called "creationism: bad science or immoral pseudoscience?
- (an expose of creationist dr. duane gish)"] says the following.. 'a look at the "scientific" creationist movement and a close examination of the tactics of a well-known and influential creationist will reveal that the creation "science" movement gains much of its strength through the use of distortion and scientifically unethical tactics.. .... with the facts explained and the lawsuits won, scientists declared victory and returned to their labs and offices.
I would like to add that surely all Christians are creationists as we all believe in a creator .
So is it more old earth vs young earth ?
is most of the promotion of creationism, not just that by the wt, charlatanism?.
https://www.fullmoon.nu/sources.bak/chapter%2010/part%202/gish%20exposed.html [which has an article called "creationism: bad science or immoral pseudoscience?
- (an expose of creationist dr. duane gish)"] says the following.. 'a look at the "scientific" creationist movement and a close examination of the tactics of a well-known and influential creationist will reveal that the creation "science" movement gains much of its strength through the use of distortion and scientifically unethical tactics.. .... with the facts explained and the lawsuits won, scientists declared victory and returned to their labs and offices.
Wow Sea Breeze , that really surprises me . I would trust someone like Polkinghorne who was a Cambridge professor then became Canon Theologian at Liverpool Cathedral. He and the others mentioned know their stuff and have no reason to lie or " twist facts " .
If it makes no difference to one's faith then l see no problem in believing in evolution. In fact reading their books was quite mind blowing .
I would recommend " Improbable Planet " to people on both sides of the debate .
is most of the promotion of creationism, not just that by the wt, charlatanism?.
https://www.fullmoon.nu/sources.bak/chapter%2010/part%202/gish%20exposed.html [which has an article called "creationism: bad science or immoral pseudoscience?
- (an expose of creationist dr. duane gish)"] says the following.. 'a look at the "scientific" creationist movement and a close examination of the tactics of a well-known and influential creationist will reveal that the creation "science" movement gains much of its strength through the use of distortion and scientifically unethical tactics.. .... with the facts explained and the lawsuits won, scientists declared victory and returned to their labs and offices.
As a Christian l am curious as to how many deniers of evolution there are . I don't know any
Is this mainly a JW , Mormon , Deep South Baptist thing ?
I've just finished a book by John Polkinghorne entitled " Theology in the Context of Science" and am part way through another book by Hugh Ross entitled " Improbable Planet "
Polkinghorne was ( he died recently) a professor of mathematical physics at Cambridge and an Anglican Priest .
Ross is a Canadian Astrophysicist.
Francis Collins a physician - geneticist who led the Human Genome Project has also written about science in the context of faith. Notably in the " Language of God " .
All these men are Christians who have no problem merging science and religion
As l said l don't know any Christian who has a problem with this .
The comment above about seeing the creation account as an allegory and how faith has to evolve is pretty spot on . Genesis was written at a time when no one knew about the composition of living things , genetics , the make up of stars etc . It was written for it's time .
Incidentally Polkinghorne points at that actually we ARE all technically stardust . How cool is that?
this item just featured on the bbc lunchtime news today as the headline story and the piece included a reporter who singled out jehovah's witnesses for discussion from the 30 organisations covered by the report.
the news item then went on to feature an extensive interview ex elder and ex jehovah's witness writer lloyd evans..
A little harsh Thomas. I could get quite upset at that slur .
I am an Anglican and the church is taking this problem very seriously. Please don't lump everyone together.
Plus it's not just religious people who cover this stuff up. That goes on in lots of organisations.