Rafe, l think that you are saying that all of the paranoia and guilt etc can be induced in individuals by political ideology . I think so . In Nazi Germany some " good " Germans believed Hitler's rhetoric about Jews and turned on their neighbours, sometimes friends .
In communist regimes paranoia and brain washing are used to keep the populace being loyal . With the result that " good " people do bad things.
I understand that the brainwashing techniques used by the WT were devised in North Korea for political purposes
Fear , paranoia and guilt are not exclusive to religion ( some religion ) .
Most mainstream religions , even in the USA , do not produce these negatives in their followers
The vicar at the time sent this as one of his daily emails to the congregation of my church ( apologies for my friends picture on the screen shot ) .
Does that seem like someone trying to induce fear or guilt or anything other than a positive mental health attitude ?