Yes , Simon , it seems that they are.
what if i told you that we needed a whistle?
probably the dollar store.
or walmart.
Yes , Simon , it seems that they are.
then jesus said to his disciples: “truly i say to you that it will be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens.
again i say to you, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god.” (mathew 19:23, 24, for jesus both “kingdom of heaven and kingdom of god” are interchangeable—they are one and the same.
when earth comes again under god’s rulership, earth becomes a “kingdom of heaven.” (mathew 5:3, 5) “those poor in spirit” are defined as those having no self-importance or egoless (mathew 16:24) and “the meek” too are egoless.
I really can't make out which side you're on Watcher. Some of your comments seem JW led and others not . Tbh l was expecting a WT quote in answer to my question .
I apologise that l am clearly not understanding you properly.
then jesus said to his disciples: “truly i say to you that it will be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens.
again i say to you, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god.” (mathew 19:23, 24, for jesus both “kingdom of heaven and kingdom of god” are interchangeable—they are one and the same.
when earth comes again under god’s rulership, earth becomes a “kingdom of heaven.” (mathew 5:3, 5) “those poor in spirit” are defined as those having no self-importance or egoless (mathew 16:24) and “the meek” too are egoless.
A watcher so where does the idea of two hopes come from ?
then jesus said to his disciples: “truly i say to you that it will be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens.
again i say to you, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god.” (mathew 19:23, 24, for jesus both “kingdom of heaven and kingdom of god” are interchangeable—they are one and the same.
when earth comes again under god’s rulership, earth becomes a “kingdom of heaven.” (mathew 5:3, 5) “those poor in spirit” are defined as those having no self-importance or egoless (mathew 16:24) and “the meek” too are egoless.
Waton yes the twelve tribes and 12 Apostles are mentioned separately but l think that this is symbolic. As in the 12 Tribes were the starting of God's chosen people from whom came the Messiah, so they are the gates to salvation and the 12 Apostles were the beginning of the church so the foundations .
There is no indication that they receive any different reward than anyone else , certainly no indication that they are dwelling elsewhere. Indeed they are integral parts of the New Jerusalem where God will dwell with his people .
want to see a great movie on netflix: try.
"the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society".
saw this two night ago and have encouraged others to watch.
We saw it at the pictures when it came out , and yes it's a great film .
then jesus said to his disciples: “truly i say to you that it will be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of the heavens.
again i say to you, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god.” (mathew 19:23, 24, for jesus both “kingdom of heaven and kingdom of god” are interchangeable—they are one and the same.
when earth comes again under god’s rulership, earth becomes a “kingdom of heaven.” (mathew 5:3, 5) “those poor in spirit” are defined as those having no self-importance or egoless (mathew 16:24) and “the meek” too are egoless.
Yes Rev 21 clearly speaks of a new Heaven and a new earth . We are told that God's dwelling place will be among the people and he will dwell with them and be their God . No mention of two classes of people .
today, i have attended my jc meeting, courtesy of three local elders.
all three had their "shepherd"-books on their laps.
i carefully and meticulously proved to them that their interpretation of dan.
Well l can only speak for certain about my own town Tamworth in Staffordshire. We have a group called Tamworth Covenanting Churches, TCC . I recently became my churches rep on TCC . The group is made up of all the local churches , Anglican, Catholic, Baptist etc . We often pool resources and people for joint ventures, though obviously public events have stopped lately.
I believe that a lot of towns and cities have similar groups. So some unity is being achieved here in Blighty anyway .
today, i have attended my jc meeting, courtesy of three local elders.
all three had their "shepherd"-books on their laps.
i carefully and meticulously proved to them that their interpretation of dan.
Interesting that you say that if you associate with a particular group you are forced to conform to their teaching. I am CofE so Anglican and Witnesses tend to level the accusation towards us that my church doesn't keep it's members in line , so we can't be a true church .
Yes our theology is Trinitarian but after that there are no hard or fast rules for which we could get kicked for not obeying.
Other than the 10 commandments, the main two being " love God .... " and " love your neighbour " that's it .
I always feel that it's such a shame that when someone manages to break free from the WT they usually become an atheist or if like you they retain their basic faith they are suspicious of any kind of religious affiliation.
I suppose l get it , as you say " once bitten , twice shy . " but l do wonder if you are missing out on fellowship and encouragement.
Jan .
Ok , l get it now . Anyone outside of America probably doesn't know about this case , which included me .
Yes in the light of that information l understand the original OP . It does seem POSSIBLE that the WT helped him . Not sure how that can be proved though
Jan .
I've read the report through a couple of times am l missing something? I can't see anything pertaining to the WT .