I get annoyed at statements like " one church said " . Which church.? Always this very vague quality about the " information " that they are giving.
What would happen if an audience member asked the question?
what is with the jw cadence when they speak.
do they think they are teaching people ?
they sound like pro wrestlers doing promos or shakespearean actors.
I get annoyed at statements like " one church said " . Which church.? Always this very vague quality about the " information " that they are giving.
What would happen if an audience member asked the question?
if a pimi sister has been told by her unbelieving husband not to take these experimental vaccines then what is official jw policy in this situation?.
should she go against her husband and tell him i will do what the men at my church tell me?.
what on earth will the husband think then?
Jehovaxx , l have never heard that and none of my ( many ) vaccinated friends have heard that.
Is there SCIENTIFIC proof that this happens?
Jan from Tam
if a pimi sister has been told by her unbelieving husband not to take these experimental vaccines then what is official jw policy in this situation?.
should she go against her husband and tell him i will do what the men at my church tell me?.
what on earth will the husband think then?
Jehovaxx how is it going to transfer to the husband ?
It is up to every individual to decide for themselves
Jan from Tam
if a pimi sister has been told by her unbelieving husband not to take these experimental vaccines then what is official jw policy in this situation?.
should she go against her husband and tell him i will do what the men at my church tell me?.
what on earth will the husband think then?
Surely she's better off without such a control freak of a husband and what's it got to do with the WT ?
Everyone has the right to choose for themselves
Jan from Tam.
february 2024 study watchtower p. 2 par.
2 - "however, a question may arise: 🤣 what will happen to christ’s “other sheep” who will be serving jehovah faithfully on earth during the “great tribulation”?
(john 10:16; matt.
Guys l don't have access to the Feb 2024 study WT . So do they actually go on to counter this worry that some may have ?
Jan from Tam
february 2024 study watchtower p. 2 par.
2 - "however, a question may arise: 🤣 what will happen to christ’s “other sheep” who will be serving jehovah faithfully on earth during the “great tribulation”?
(john 10:16; matt.
So what answer do they give to this problem ? I'm on tenterhooks with anticipation. .
Jan from Tam
old habits die hard...and quite often in my comments i will refer to the borg as the 'truth'.
does anyone know of any other churches that refer to their own particular church or religion as the 'truth'??
also, does anyone know how it originated...all my life i have used the term...comments like 'how long have u been in the truth?
Full disclosure l haven't read all the posts . I am just commenting on the OP .
Most of you must know that l am Anglican, Church of England . I have never heard anyone claim that Anglicans are the Truth.
I became a Christian through some Baptists. Then l moved out of the area . My Baptist friends gave me this advice " find a church where you feel at home , where you feel that you are getting good, Biblical teaching " No mention of find your nearest Baptist church.
I have never heard any religious group ( other than Jws ) who claim to be the Truth.
Jan from Tam
it just keeps getting easier and easier to molest.
when big religion has got your back, and you know that you can rape kids with impunity as father religion keeps the door to heaven swinging wide, 24/7 absolution available for the superstitious pedo, why not should everyone rape kids….
the pedophile loophole, the mainstay of the whitewashed, clergy penitent privilege, the hole e grail of the christian whore is swinging open, welcoming the perverts.
Ok point taken but why do you need insurance to get the police involved? That doesn't incur cost does it , and it's what should happen.
The part about getting lawyers involved l don't understand. Why would you need lawyers?
Jan from Tam
it just keeps getting easier and easier to molest.
when big religion has got your back, and you know that you can rape kids with impunity as father religion keeps the door to heaven swinging wide, 24/7 absolution available for the superstitious pedo, why not should everyone rape kids….
the pedophile loophole, the mainstay of the whitewashed, clergy penitent privilege, the hole e grail of the christian whore is swinging open, welcoming the perverts.
Sea Breeze " we have an insurance policy that covers inappropriate behaviour accusations. "
Isn't it a bit late when inappropriate behaviour has happened?
I know that there is no foolproof way to stop all abuse but CofE is trying as best as it can to do that by identifying people who might be a danger.
Yes there is now a huge amount of beaurocracy now to contend with . I am well aware of it believe me but that is what it takes to protect the vulnerable.
Jan from Tam
it just keeps getting easier and easier to molest.
when big religion has got your back, and you know that you can rape kids with impunity as father religion keeps the door to heaven swinging wide, 24/7 absolution available for the superstitious pedo, why not should everyone rape kids….
the pedophile loophole, the mainstay of the whitewashed, clergy penitent privilege, the hole e grail of the christian whore is swinging open, welcoming the perverts.
It seems that most of the above pertains to America
As a British Anglican ( have l mentioned that ? ) l can share personal knowledge of the state of play in the Anglican church.
This issue is being taken very seriously in the church. I am the DBS ( Disclosure and Barring Service) checker for my Parish church. This means that l am responsible for getting DBS checks done for anyone who has anything to do with children or vulnerable adults.
It also means that l and others like the church warden , parish administrator and lay readers ( we don't have a vicar atm ) have to undertake safeguarding training to know how to spot any suspicious behaviour and respond. Also what to do if someone reports something untoward behaviour.
Each Parish has a safeguarding officer and any incidents from minor accidents to suspicion of abuse had to be noted down so that records exist to be used later if necessary.
Jan from Tam