stillin, you did not answer my question , what did you say to your daughter about the man who hurt her ? how did you explain to her that he was still free to hurt other children ? Do you not see , yes you say it caught up with him eventually but how many OTHER children did he molest while no -one was doing anything ? Do you not care about the others that probably were molested by this man ?
How do you look your daughter in the eyes when she knows that you and your JW Friends did nothing to bring this man to justice , that she never got the chance to testify against him ( important to victims ) . Is she still in the org.?
You might not have found out until later but you should have , for her sake , reported him , to show your daughter that you take her welfare , physical , mental and spiritual , seriously . What do you feel about your wife keeping this from you ? You said that you admire her for keeping her faith in Jehovah , no , she kept her loyalty to the org .
I think that this defence of the org is an attempt to ease your guilt , for doing it their way , you are trying to justify their methods , which quite frankly stink .
I wonder if your daughter would agree with their methods and think that the outcome justified the means ?