The Searcher , thanks very much .
Posts by jhine
by The Searcher in"all of our teachings are based on the bible, not on the writings of some religious leader in the united states.
"1 thessalonians 2:13.
all of the teachings (i counted 8) which have been reversed in the july 15th watchtower were based on the bible???????????.
by The Searcher inhere's what i scavenged from the most notable watchtower i've ever read.
it may be far more significant than many people realise!.
and before anyone whinges that one or two are 'old light', the fact remains that all of them are rejecting what was once 'inspired truth' from the revered fds, and disagreeing with any one of these (now current) falsehoods would have resulted in your "stoning to death" and shunning by all whom you loved.
thanks for posting these , but have I missed what publication they are from as in year and month etc ?
Wis. priest wants pope to meet with abuse victims
by blondie inwis. priest wants pope to meet with abuse victims article header area[end] full article story [start] article by: m.l.
johnson associated pressaugust 13, 2013 - 4:10 pmmilwaukee a wisconsin priest known for speaking out about clergy sexual abuse said tuesday that if he could speak directly to pope francis, the first thing he would ask the pope to do is have regular meetings with victims.. it is the best way to understand their experiences, said rev.
james connell, the former vice chancellor of the archdiocese of milwaukee.. "pope francis, please, on a regular, ongoing basis sit with the victim-survivors of clergy sexual abuse," connell said during a speech to the milwaukee press club.
good for him
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin ini know that a lynch mob forms whenever there's a hint of anybody being a pedophile, but the truth is that not all are the slavering, predatorial animals that they are painted to be.
each circumstance has its' own specifics.
in defense of the wts, they do keep track of confirmed pedophiles now.
Lost , sorry about the amateur psychology , didn't mean to offend .
Not sure where to start on the rest , not advocating the death penalty does NOT equal not advocating reporting . I believe that abuse should be reported so that the proper authorities can handle it , so that the victim knows that they are believed , taken seriously and get the help that they need . Not reporting in order to cover up and deny a problem is not right . I take the rights and feelings of the victim as top priority .
You say " Forgive , by standards are we using the yardstick here on forgiveness ? being a so called Christian ?
Well Christians , real Christians are called upon to forgive , it's in the Bible . As far as I know it does not say that someone commiting a crime should not receive the suitable lawful punishment , that is a different matter and nowhere are we told to cover up crimes . I know that not everywhere has laws saying that abuse has to be reported , just as it is not a crime in itself to not not report most crimes , but Jesus always put the victims , the downtrodden , the forgotten first and Christians should do the same .
AS I said in an earlier post , of course common sense must be used and children and vunerable adults must always be protected . I have checked and you will be pleased to hear that my Church C of E has strict reporting rules and child protection officers (who are told to report) in every dioscese . So lots of churches are learning the lesson .
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin ini know that a lynch mob forms whenever there's a hint of anybody being a pedophile, but the truth is that not all are the slavering, predatorial animals that they are painted to be.
each circumstance has its' own specifics.
in defense of the wts, they do keep track of confirmed pedophiles now.
stillin I agree , Lost you do seem to have personal issues with this , other than the women protecting children natural reaction which I do fully understand .
by The Searcher in"all of our teachings are based on the bible, not on the writings of some religious leader in the united states.
"1 thessalonians 2:13.
all of the teachings (i counted 8) which have been reversed in the july 15th watchtower were based on the bible???????????.
Searcher , pretty , pretty ,pretty please
Helping a student to leave
by Freethinking76 inwell ,one of my relatives is studying with jws,she called me about the sexual abuse lawsuit against the jws,i told her i needed to talk to her about other things,she agreed ,and told me that it will be between us,any suggestions?.
bumped again , hoping for an update, Free what is happening ?
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin ini know that a lynch mob forms whenever there's a hint of anybody being a pedophile, but the truth is that not all are the slavering, predatorial animals that they are painted to be.
each circumstance has its' own specifics.
in defense of the wts, they do keep track of confirmed pedophiles now.
DogGone , glad that you had a good vacation . We are going on holiday in a couple of weeks so I will be missing for a while then . I have been checking the thread regularly to find a reply so thank you for coming back to me . From what you said I see why you had previously stated that not all offenderss are monsters . It is the case though that it is hard to get to grips withh someone who has been abused abused abusing someone else , I suppose that in my mind certainly it is difficult to understand why someone who understsnds what abuse feels like would then inflict that on someone else . However I must aknowledge that having never been abused I cannot know how that screws with the mind .
Perhaps your family feel the way I described in my last post that to forgive or even try to understand an abuser is a betrayal of the abused . Such a difficult subject to get your head round .
Well I gotta go......
by punkofnice in...i might drop in every now and then but i hope you all enjoy life, escape the watchtower(r) and live prosperous lives.. i can't say i contribute much here anyway (and i'm not attention seeking).. i'm just going to get on with life away from the constant reminder of the mistakes i made being a jw zombie drone.. i guess i'm just going to fade.......rather quickly.. of course i didn't need to make any posts here to disappear but i thought it'd be polite and very british to bid you all a fond farewell.. see you all sometime.....maybe.....maybe not.....maybe....... bye!.
don't pm me as i won't be checking the pms.. .
Bye Punky, take care , I will keep praying for you , raise a glass to all of us now and then .
my first post and some questions
by wallievase inthis is my first post after deciding to finally open an account here after months of 'lurking'.. a couple of issues i want to address-.
i have issues with people who go from being a witness to losing all faith in god or the bible which seems to be the case with some members of this site.
i just don't think you can let any religion change how you view god or the bible.. second-i don't feel the gb are bad people, i think most witnesses including them are misguided by something that has been drilled into their heads since they were little and are actually sincere people.
Hello Wallie , welcome , I am a never JW but a C of E Trinitarian Christian . Your comments about people losing faith make me wonder if you are scared of leaving JW land in case you lose your faith as part of the process , there do seem to be a lot on this site who have done that . Certainly it seems the case that having realised TTATT people do become very wary and sceptical and who can blame them ? Suddenly finding the freedom to research and question must be quite a heady experience . Please research and question , but do not forget to question God , I sure He won't mind you venting at Him and sharing your doubts and hurts . You , and all the other TTATT finders have been badly let down by the people who were supposed to be helping you spiritually , like the people of Jesus ' day who were let down by their religious leaders , who turned a living faith into a set of must follow rules and regs . Keep us posted about your journey