stillin , no I do not think that you are off target regarding rape ,I have read that same information . I do not know if that applies to paedophiles though .
Posts by jhine
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin ini know that a lynch mob forms whenever there's a hint of anybody being a pedophile, but the truth is that not all are the slavering, predatorial animals that they are painted to be.
each circumstance has its' own specifics.
in defense of the wts, they do keep track of confirmed pedophiles now.
My doubting friend came by and left the letter...
by confusedandalone ini hope that i am not eating up alot of bandwidth and annoying anyone.
however as i make my exit i want to reveal as many things as possible.
i have a friend who had doubts about the latest change and wrote a letter.
thanks Ann , I suppose that the worshipping of Christ got me confused .Actually I still am ,why worship Him if He was not part of the Godhead ?? I know that there is probably no logical answer to that .
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin ini know that a lynch mob forms whenever there's a hint of anybody being a pedophile, but the truth is that not all are the slavering, predatorial animals that they are painted to be.
each circumstance has its' own specifics.
in defense of the wts, they do keep track of confirmed pedophiles now.
DogGone , your comments on castration were interesting , it is one way of controlling repeat offenders without taking away their chance to be rehabitilated . Of course I mean chemical castration which I assume can be reversed . Though I suppose that physical castration still leaves the peson with a chance to live a productve and happy life , which of course death does not .
However with physical castration there is always the danger of an innocent person being punished and also as you pointed out according to whoever decides who needs castrating some personal issues can come into play.
If chemical castration was used widely as a means to stop repeat offending do you think that this should be after the appropriate prison sentence was served ? I think that society in general and victims in particular need to know that suitable punishment has been meted out to show that paedophile behaviour will not be tolerated in any (reasonably ) civilised society .
As you have said the range of offenders varies , but there are those who seem to be hardened offenders , those who share information online as to how to lure children etc and even people who try to say that there is nothing wrong with their predilections. Is the death penalty too harsh for those who show no remorse and are shown to be part of gangs who are not only encouraging each other to physically abuse children themselves but who are actively encouraging child pornography which of course still means child victims somewhere .
My doubting friend came by and left the letter...
by confusedandalone ini hope that i am not eating up alot of bandwidth and annoying anyone.
however as i make my exit i want to reveal as many things as possible.
i have a friend who had doubts about the latest change and wrote a letter.
Thanks for that AnnOMaly .
Proverbs 4:18 as Last Scriptural Defense for New Light?
by ProfCNJ inhi folks, good morning.
july 2013 wt study edition has been discussed and commented on at length here in and in cedar's blog (
won't go to technicalities as significant amount of stellar arguments have cast doubt on the new light, let alone break wt's claims anew.. .
hello,Prof CNJ, welcome .
I agree with Phizzy , I think that Prov 4: 18 is talking about an individuals walk of faith , that in getting to know God better by experience and study an indivdual's knowledge of the will of God is increased .
It MAY also look forward to the coming of Christ who was the fulfillment of some OT prophecy and explained much of the OT in the light of the gift of salvation . That is just my speculation though .
I cannot think of any time when a prohet went back on or changed a prophecy or pronouncement . Anyway the WT itself says that New Light should NOT contradict OLD light but add to it , as Phizzy points out .
Read Ezekiel's rant about false prophets , ch 13 , especially verse 6 .
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin ini know that a lynch mob forms whenever there's a hint of anybody being a pedophile, but the truth is that not all are the slavering, predatorial animals that they are painted to be.
each circumstance has its' own specifics.
in defense of the wts, they do keep track of confirmed pedophiles now.
jgnat , after posting above I found your life story on the post started 10 years ago . I could not believe what I was reading , not cus I don't have faith , you might be aware that I am non JW , Anglican , but because of some of the elements of your story .
My name is Janet , I am unequally yoked ( to an unbeliever ) and have had heartache caused by my son . Though I can probably out do you in the making people cry stakes . MY son died ten years ago on the morning of 25th December !!! His death was caused by oesophageal cancer . Yes, young people do very RARELY get it . Usually though sufferers are over 45 and that is why it was not diagnosed quickly . It probably wouldn't have made much difference in any case .
I have struggled for years to see any sense in the death of a 25 year old man and why God let it happen , I do believe in healing and was sure that my son would get better . Over the years I have sometimes waivered in my faith , I had breast cancer which was very traumatic , but I can only say that somehow I , like you, have been held up and carried when need be .
I have always felt it on my heart to witness to Witnesses and finding this site has been a blessing . I think that the Lord is introducing me to some VERY interesting people and giving me a lot of knowledge .
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin ini know that a lynch mob forms whenever there's a hint of anybody being a pedophile, but the truth is that not all are the slavering, predatorial animals that they are painted to be.
each circumstance has its' own specifics.
in defense of the wts, they do keep track of confirmed pedophiles now.
jgnat , did you send me a pm 6 months ago ? I only just found pm's and there appears to be one from you , about the olive branch , but when I try to open it a technical error occurs .
Sorry that I am so late replying I was new to the site then and did not now it's workings . Also irondork sent me a pm , I have replied , belatedly, to that but he seems to have disappeared off the site . Do you know what happened to him ?
My doubting friend came by and left the letter...
by confusedandalone ini hope that i am not eating up alot of bandwidth and annoying anyone.
however as i make my exit i want to reveal as many things as possible.
i have a friend who had doubts about the latest change and wrote a letter.
Did Brother Russell reject the Trinity ? I thought that at least up to 195? Jesus was worshipped by the org .
Thank you for posting this , I hope that your friend can sort this out in his own mind and see TTATT.
irondork , where art thou ?
by jhine ini have finally replied to your pm , but now cannot find you on the site .
I have finally replied to your pm , but now cannot find you on the site .
Imitate Their Faith - Reference & Comments
by Bobcat inthis thread is similarly purposed to this one on the jeremiah book.. i intend it as a source for material and comments relating to the new imitate their faith book that came out at the 2013 wt district convention.. eventually, the book is going to be studied at the congregation book study.
(the book itself says so.
see the letter from the governing body, par.
I only know the Noah story as it was read during a study between aJW and a friend of mine which I sometimes sit in on . The mesage about keeping faithful when being laughed at and NOT being listened to was so obvious . I think that around here certainly not many people are listening to the Witnesses even though they are told that they are God's organisation , this must be so hard when they spend so much time going from door to door and so demoralising . So Noah's example of keeping faith even in the face of so much opposition must be a gift to the org . Also the message of keep on trusting us or you do not get into the ark was (not so ) subtly pushed .
If the others carry the same level of subconcious mind control then the writing dept has done a good job .