That , I agree is true of WT . They do like total control , I am not sure that it has to apply to other faiths in general.
Posts by jhine
~Humble and Childlike~
by freeflyingfaerie inyou remember the 'encouragement' to be teachable, humble, like little children.... well, children ask questions, and lots of 'em.... so, what happens when we keep on wondering and have questions that demand answers?.
according to jw's, a person has to stop being teachable like little children.
a person is told not to do any real research (which requires humility, a sense of wonder, and openness to new ideas and concepts)....for fear that research done outside of the organizations approved sources- their own- a person may discover contradictions and lies.
~Humble and Childlike~
by freeflyingfaerie inyou remember the 'encouragement' to be teachable, humble, like little children.... well, children ask questions, and lots of 'em.... so, what happens when we keep on wondering and have questions that demand answers?.
according to jw's, a person has to stop being teachable like little children.
a person is told not to do any real research (which requires humility, a sense of wonder, and openness to new ideas and concepts)....for fear that research done outside of the organizations approved sources- their own- a person may discover contradictions and lies.
Phizzy I think that you are right in your comments about what Jesus meant . I am not sure about all other religions being the same , you said on the thread about the GB and the Pope that Catholics can disagree with the Pope . I know that in my own church ( C of E , if anyone has not gathered yet ) there is a lot of diversity of opinion on lots of subjects . I find it difficult to comprehend the level of control that the GB has over the r&f , totally alien to me . I see being a Christian as having my own walk of faith with the Bible to guide me and a vicar to ask questions of if I wish !.If I do not agree with a sermon or the interpretation of scripture in it I can say so and question , respectfully the thoughts of the sermon giver , not necessarily the vicar , by the way . I know "religion " is not for everyone on this forum , at least not after bad experiences in the Watchtower , but I do feel that other denominations sometimes get viewed through Watchtower coloured glasses . Just wanted to put a different view forward from my own experience .
New Flock Book - Child Abusers NOT excluded from serving again
by allelsefails in"shepherd the flock" book - page 38 - chapter 3 par.20 ........ (talking about disqualifying servants and elders) 20. if the sin occurred before he was appointed as an elder or a ministerial servant, the elders will need to take into consideration the fact that he should have mentioned this possible impediment to his being qualified when elders interviewed him just prior to announcing his appointment.
moreover, the nature of the sin may reflect greatly on his qualifications to serve.
for example, the sin may involve past child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for many years.-w97 1/1 pp.
Are known child abusers allowed to go door to door and take studies in homes if the unsuspecting householder asks them to ? We focus on offenders being or not being allowed to have positions of power , and it seems that this is a "grey " area , and indeed there is a thread indicating that , yes known abusers can become elders again . Is it not dangerous to let known abusers go door knocking and have access to children that way ? Also unsuspecting JWs let any person in the congregation have access to their children while going door to door . It seems to me that having positions of power is only one situation that needs looking at . I know that their should be two JWs at studies but I also know that in practice this does not always happen , if one of the two ladies who conduct my friends study cannot come then very often only one of them turns up .
Sun newspaper writes about Witness paedophile scandal
by jhine init isn't much, only a small piece on page 23 of sunday's sun newspaper .
for our colonial cousins the sun is a highbrow , well respected national daily newspaper , well national daily anyway .
on sunday it printed a small article about what it describes as a jehovah's witness paedophile whose sex crimes had been hushed up by his church .
Bigmac , thank you for the vote of confidence , I read the Sun and so does my husband , and yes we know what paedophiles are . Anyway why does it have to be aimed at JWs directly . If people knew that the nice JW knocking their door and want ing to come in and study with them could be a paedophile I think that they would ask questions . Do you think that Sun readers do not care about the safety of their children ?Lots of peope on JWN have bemoaned the fact that this scandal does not get the same coverage as the scandals in the Anglican or Catholic churches , well anything would be a start .
The reason why Jehovah's Witnesses are not false prophets
by 70wksfyrs inthis weeks km disscusses the topic of why jehovah's witnesses are not false prophets.. on page 136 and 137 of the reasoning book, it asks and answers the following question:.
have not jehovahs witnesses made errors in their teachings?.
jehovahs witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets.
As I pointed out on another thread the sudden finding of Matt 24:42 in the Bible is quite miraculous .However they have not just found that verse , in 1968 in the run up to the 1975 debacle they not only quoted that verse they then proceeded to say that it should be ignored ! So to say that they have continued to keep that thinking to the fore is in a sense correct , if only to say that they knew better.
New Flock Book - Child Abusers NOT excluded from serving again
by allelsefails in"shepherd the flock" book - page 38 - chapter 3 par.20 ........ (talking about disqualifying servants and elders) 20. if the sin occurred before he was appointed as an elder or a ministerial servant, the elders will need to take into consideration the fact that he should have mentioned this possible impediment to his being qualified when elders interviewed him just prior to announcing his appointment.
moreover, the nature of the sin may reflect greatly on his qualifications to serve.
for example, the sin may involve past child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for many years.-w97 1/1 pp.
Ta very much
Sun newspaper writes about Witness paedophile scandal
by jhine init isn't much, only a small piece on page 23 of sunday's sun newspaper .
for our colonial cousins the sun is a highbrow , well respected national daily newspaper , well national daily anyway .
on sunday it printed a small article about what it describes as a jehovah's witness paedophile whose sex crimes had been hushed up by his church .
lets hope that IF someone does take up my recomendation of looking more closely at this issue they do not read this thread , though I suppose that journalists are used to being insulted . !!?
How about others following my lead and getting in touch with the Independant group about this subject , it might get their attention if they get a few people pointing out the scandal / human interest / bashing religion aspects of this .
The Confessed Pedophile Who Raped Me Is Going To Be Made A Elder Again, Need Help Please!
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inyears ago you read my horror stories about being raped by a jw.
i was nine years old when this took place, now the man has been getting all his works in order.
what do i do to stop the seventy-year old pedophile from getting his position back?
Are Elders given back ground checks before appointment?
by JWOP ini'm researching a few things, and i'm wondering: are elders ever put through a back ground check either before or after their appointment as an elder?.
by clarity inhope this will help those involved in abuse cases.. >.
elders are appointed after sexual abusing children or.
even better .....if they hide their "sin" for 3 yrs.