Min and Phizzy , you're welcome . Glad to be of service : ) .
we were told we were part of the world if we got involved in politics.
if we had employment that had political involvement we were instructed to get another job.
we were told we might be considered disassociated if we voted and then it became questionable.
Min and Phizzy , you're welcome . Glad to be of service : ) .
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
Min , l take your point that flu is ever present. I don't think that anyone is expecting covid to just disappear altogether. Surely the best hope is that when everyone is vaccinated life can return to normal with deaths at a minimum . Until everyone is vaccinated then we all need to do what we can to keep the infection rate as low as possible.
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
Just, of course my neighbour needs to take responsibility for herself and her actions . My whole point is that with freedom comes responsibility .
The discussion is about the wearing of masks . They don't stop you from catching anything, they stop you from emitting viruses into the air when you exhale. So my neighbour could wear 6 masks at a time and she will be doing her bit to not pass covid to someone else . It won't stop her from catching it . Me wearing my mask will reduce the risk of me passing it on to her. As l don't want to be responsible for her death l do wear my mask . Why should her life be put at risk by someone else refusing to do their bit and take responsibility for their actions ? That is why governments everywhere have made these laws, to protect the vulnerable people, to stop hospitals being overwhelmed and stop the spread of a killer disease.
Laws are necessary when people don't exercise the responsibility that comes with freedom.
we were told we were part of the world if we got involved in politics.
if we had employment that had political involvement we were instructed to get another job.
we were told we might be considered disassociated if we voted and then it became questionable.
Many faith groups see the expression " the world " as representing the sinful actions of people . So Jesus's followers are not to follow the norm of the world . Sexual immorality, stealing , lying , cheating etc .
So l think that is more about not complying with the morals of the world rather than getting in there and making the world a better place to live .
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
Actually a lot of people need a government to tell them not to murder or steal or rape .
If you are burgled or one of your loved ones is murdered who do you expect to get justice? The justice system using the laws that the government made .
If someone wants to risk their own life , well , but do you have the right to risk someone else's?
Freedom brings responsibility .
An ancient Greek bloke said that the measure of how civilised a society is is how well it looks after its weakest members.
I am not so likely to die from covid but my 85 year old neighbour or the young disabled person in the next road is .
I do not want to be responsible for their deaths. I prefer to live in a civilised society .
we were told we were part of the world if we got involved in politics.
if we had employment that had political involvement we were instructed to get another job.
we were told we might be considered disassociated if we voted and then it became questionable.
Many Christians believe that the need to care for the poor means that we have to at least take an interest in politics . That we should object to laws and policies that make life worse for the poor of the world .
Yes we can and should do what we can as individuals, charitable giving etc , but we can also work to change political decisions that will have negative impacts on the less fortunate .
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
Bad , l don't know what Chicoms are but you seem to be looking at this as something purely American. In.GB we have a Conservative govt. and they are saying the same things as governments of any persuasion all over the world.
Are you saying that every govt. everywhere including Communist , fascist and liberal parties are all in cahoots over this . Also our NHS is lying to us about it . I find that harder to believe than Covid actually exists and is killing hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Independent charities would all have to be in on the plot as well .
i know i have made some uncomfortable at times and others have thanked me for telling them about the cult because some family member is one and they thought it was a bad cult but did not know details.
personally i take every chance i get to tell others about the cult.
Stan l should have said that the WT is presented as a bit weird but harmless
I realise that most JWs are nice , sincere people . What l meant was that the Watchtowers that are ( were ) handed out are the non JW friendly versions with non of the controversial stuff in . JWs are taught to " fudge " answers to awkward questions . I know that l have been flat out lied to on my doorstep , but most people wouldn't know that JWs will do this . This is how the average JW is told to present the Org
So the impression that most people get is one of a basically nice religion which has a few odd ideas. This is a well thought out strategy from the GB who want to suck people in .
i know i have made some uncomfortable at times and others have thanked me for telling them about the cult because some family member is one and they thought it was a bad cult but did not know details.
personally i take every chance i get to tell others about the cult.
Stan , yes people do generally see JWs as a bit weird but harmless. Which of course is how they present themselves on doorsteps . It's all a very carefully worked out con by the GB .
i know i have made some uncomfortable at times and others have thanked me for telling them about the cult because some family member is one and they thought it was a bad cult but did not know details.
personally i take every chance i get to tell others about the cult.
As a never JW l don't have to worry about that DoC . I do try to tell people but sometimes they seem to think l am being nasty and exaggerating. This happens a lot with my fellow church goers because they just can't get their heads around what l describe .
Others have difficulty seeing the WT as a cult because people have a fixed idea of what a cult looks like . Obviously brainwashed weirdos all together in a large commune .
Maybe that is how they suck folk in because they don't appear to be a cult