Interesting that you say that if you associate with a particular group you are forced to conform to their teaching. I am CofE so Anglican and Witnesses tend to level the accusation towards us that my church doesn't keep it's members in line , so we can't be a true church .
Yes our theology is Trinitarian but after that there are no hard or fast rules for which we could get kicked for not obeying.
Other than the 10 commandments, the main two being " love God .... " and " love your neighbour " that's it .
I always feel that it's such a shame that when someone manages to break free from the WT they usually become an atheist or if like you they retain their basic faith they are suspicious of any kind of religious affiliation.
I suppose l get it , as you say " once bitten , twice shy . " but l do wonder if you are missing out on fellowship and encouragement.