ReasonFirst l am genuinely impressed by your search for knowledge. I never meant to give offence, l never do mean to l just sometimes inadvertently manage it
It's just that time and again when someone is searching or questioning then non believers point them to anti Christian material.
As a Christian l wouldn't want to stop someone looking at both sides it would be wrong of me to do so . However l do say look at both sides.
You clearly have , but many of those who are just leaving the WT haven't. They only know the GBs version of Christianity. Although many on here tend to lump all Christian denominations together. I really don't see any similarities at all with the Watchtower. You obviously know how different the other groups are to JWism and have rejected all choices. But you knew what you were rejecting.
To make an informed decision someone needs to find out about all the options, including atheism .