So what is likely to happen to sister x ? You think that her son is mentally out at least, so won't shun .
Will she be abandoned by everyone else in the congregation?
my brother told us that sr. so and so ,was disfellowshipped.
now ,she is in her late 60's.
i just had a feeling it was for apostasy.
So what is likely to happen to sister x ? You think that her son is mentally out at least, so won't shun .
Will she be abandoned by everyone else in the congregation?
i mean, the jws have many faults, as each of us have.. do you know any other group that does?.
Vienne may l ask are you basing your opinion of Baptists on the Westboro Baptists? I think that certainly British Baptists are quite different.
I get the IMPRESSION ( I'm not American so don't have first hand knowledge) that American religion generally is more er strict or extreme.
US JWs seem a bit more dogmatic than their British counterparts , who are harsh enough.
It's a shame that the Westboro mob get so much media time and then taint Christianity in the eyes of many .
after being around this site for 21 years now, i've heard many recount their stories and feelings.
many times i can immediately relate but other times they seem to have had a very different experience with the church.
i'm sure that is because not only are all of us different in personality, but congregations and family dynamics vary as well.
Joe is that a dreadful thing ? Didn't Jesus tell his disciples to
" go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit "
Didn't Jesus die for everyone?
If Caucasians don't want to go to church that's their choice
i mean, the jws have many faults, as each of us have.. do you know any other group that does?.
ReasonFirst l am genuinely impressed by your search for knowledge. I never meant to give offence, l never do mean to l just sometimes inadvertently manage it
It's just that time and again when someone is searching or questioning then non believers point them to anti Christian material.
As a Christian l wouldn't want to stop someone looking at both sides it would be wrong of me to do so . However l do say look at both sides.
You clearly have , but many of those who are just leaving the WT haven't. They only know the GBs version of Christianity. Although many on here tend to lump all Christian denominations together. I really don't see any similarities at all with the Watchtower. You obviously know how different the other groups are to JWism and have rejected all choices. But you knew what you were rejecting.
To make an informed decision someone needs to find out about all the options, including atheism .
i mean, the jws have many faults, as each of us have.. do you know any other group that does?.
Reasonfirst did you also read literature that presents the Christian perspective? We all tend to be guilty of conformation bias.
Enough l don't know where you are in the world, are you American? You seem to have had contact with churches that are very dogmatic in their views.
I'm a member of the Church of England ( l have never been a JW ) and l am perfectly free to say that l have a different idea about such and such .
Yes in funerals , particularly those of people who never came to church when alive , sometimes the mourners are given comfort by the thought that their relatives are in a " better place " . It helps them in their grief.
Yes we celebrate Christmas but what is sooo awful about that? It sounds like a case of taking the boy out of the WT etc .
We all have different thoughts on some things but no one falls out and no one gets thrown out .
i mean, the jws have many faults, as each of us have.. do you know any other group that does?.
Enough may l ask what are the lies of the mainstream churches and what do you listen to / watch on YouTube that is different?
after being around this site for 21 years now, i've heard many recount their stories and feelings.
many times i can immediately relate but other times they seem to have had a very different experience with the church.
i'm sure that is because not only are all of us different in personality, but congregations and family dynamics vary as well.
Aren't Indians and Philippinos locals as in they live locally ?
after being around this site for 21 years now, i've heard many recount their stories and feelings.
many times i can immediately relate but other times they seem to have had a very different experience with the church.
i'm sure that is because not only are all of us different in personality, but congregations and family dynamics vary as well.
I've read through this thread a few times now and watched the video
Cofty l agree that the WT does absolutely deliberately control people. On this forum l read a post about a book written by a chap ( I'm getting there) about brain washing techniques. I think that it was around 12 specific techniques used by communist authorities have been identified. The WT uses most of them . That can't be a coincidence.
As to other denominations being as active as JWs well in terms of doing face to face preaching like door knocking or carts that's true . Howevet the video gives lots of examples of ways in which Trinitarian churches are pro active in the community. Food and hygiene banks, debt advice , helping homeless people in practical ways. JWs are actively discouraged from charitable work .
There may be less bums on seats but those there WANT to be there . They aren't there because of threats of shunning.
The WT seems to do it's usual trick of cherry picking verses to make the case for shunning and also to back up their " God given authority " . I see no case to be made for shunning or for any one person or group having the authority to rule people's lives and then ruin them if they are not fully obeyed in the Bible .
after being around this site for 21 years now, i've heard many recount their stories and feelings.
many times i can immediately relate but other times they seem to have had a very different experience with the church.
i'm sure that is because not only are all of us different in personality, but congregations and family dynamics vary as well.
So you are saying that basically JWs do more than members of other denominations, is that correct ? As in getting out there and recruiting ?
after being around this site for 21 years now, i've heard many recount their stories and feelings.
many times i can immediately relate but other times they seem to have had a very different experience with the church.
i'm sure that is because not only are all of us different in personality, but congregations and family dynamics vary as well.
Thank you Joe .