An elder’s letter since Covid mentions that you don’t even have to give an hourly amount, just say that you have time. I would say this to inflate publisher numbers. I thought this years ago when the WTS went to as little as 15 minutes to remain a publisher. That’s a shame when you have ones crossing crocodile infested waters, jungles with dangerous animals, preaching from an iron lung in the 60’s, and being pushed around on a cart because you have no arms or legs (j w video).” to preach. I’m starting to agree with some of the other posters and activists, that there is no way there is 8 million Witnesses.
JoinedPosts by IWant2Leave
Are JWs still reporting time?
by Vanderhoven7 inhere are some little child encouragers at work.. .
how do they report time since the halls closed?.
What would happen if the Watchtower decided no more meeting at Kingdom Halls, only Zoom?
by pistolpete ini’m seeing my hard core believing relatives slowly losing faith that the watchtower is the organization that “god” is using to represent him on earth.. just about all the churches in their area have opened up.. but not the watchtower.. this is having an affect on the faith of even the old timers.
now the only ones who are still holding the faith are the female jws and only those past 70 years of age.
even my old male jw relative past 70 are starting to say that it can’t be jehovah’s organization because the other churches are all open and god supposed organization who is supposed to preach the warning message is still closed with no open in sight.
In my area Zoom Field Service codes have been sent out covering through the month of August and meetings through Dec. 2021. On Sundays, I see church parking lots at near capacity. It seems that “Christendom” was anxious to gather together after the pandemic, the Witnesses not so much, other than Judicial Committees!
My PIMI family doesn’t seem to be too anxious to get back to meetings. They do a lot of talking, laughing and texting during the Zoom meetings. They are late many times signing on and sign off within a minute after meetings conclude. So yes WT has a lot of work ahead to get meetings going again.
Its true you can’t go back once you wake up. Even olde timers are getting tired and discouraged. Many see the clock ticking and are wondering if the Big A will come in their lifetime. And Divine protection was lacking for the Witnesses during Covid. Their percentage of death was high!
Bola posted this same request four years ago. “Something is fishy in Denmark!”
Ex JW Elder, COBE, Program Convention Overseer Speaks Out
by James Jack in
It says that he is an EX-JW. Many former male JW's grow beards to show that WT no longer has authority or control over them, and beards look nice too! My C.O. told me that there is no scriptural reason against having a beard. It's a rule of WT only, and not based on scripture!
If you could pick out critical errors to the JWS religion what would it be ?
by Rocketman123 inmany that have come to this forum have left the jws religion and moved on with their lives but from a outsider's viewpoint what do think makes the jws religion wrong or incorrect as a active christian faith ?.
somethings come to mind such as its long continuous end times/armageddon soon doctrine which has really been a core doctrine for decades going right back to its beginning .. maybe they should have adopted the stance as other christian based faiths and adhered to jesus's own words when he said " no one knows of the time not even he ".
Christ is NOT my mediator, is what WT teaches. After over 50 years as a JW, 25 as an elder and 3 as a MS, I didn't know this was a doctrine of WT. I believe that he IS my mediator, (1Tim 2:4-6) and so did my wife and others, until they did further research in WT publications. They then came back and told me that Christ is not their mediator. Sad! I guess the WT publications trumps/carries more weight than the bible?
by jhine ini just received a hand written envelope through the post containing an invitation to the online 2021 convenient.
i'm in staffs in the uk .
jan .
The Convention Invitation Campaign started June 19th here in Texas. A copy of the invitation is found on the jw.borg website.
Charity Intelligence Canada On Watchtower
by Bangalore in
Very interesting. It reports that Watchtower has little financial transparency, gets an F grade on results or good done for society, and rated low on impact on society for the dollars donated. Looking at where the money went, Watchtower only benefitted Watchtower, yet WT tries to make it look like they help everyone with charitable works.
It reminded me of this that someone posted:
Money for sell of KHs
by asp59 inhas anybody seen a chart or documents abouth money they supposedly spending in africa building halls?
as there selling millions worth of halls around the world.
they claim it's for africa.
Buildings made from cinder blocks don't cost millions. Look at some of the pictures in the publications. Some of the KH's wouldn't even be considered as a building, just a covering or a gazebo. Before lumber prices went up, i could build these at USA prices for under $1000!
The First Time I Went Over 120mph (193kph) I Was In A ____________ ,
by Sea Breeze inhonda vfr 750.
Kawasaki KZ 1000. Has 160 on the speedo. I hit 137!! Crazy times. I won't drive a car over 100 now. I have realized that I'm mortal.
by road to nowhere inwe just saw the disney ad on tv.
pimi wife says we never took the kids.
i wanted to reply that we used vacation for conventions and important stuff..
Yes AM III mentioned in one of the WT videos that if you had been to Disneyland or Disneyworld and not Bethel, you were not very spiritual and your priorities were not in the right order.