Terry you have a gift! I enjoy reading your stories.
JoinedPosts by IWant2Leave
Portrait of a Girl and Her Dog
by Terry inportrait of a girl and her dog.
her name was cheryl ann draper and she was about 11 years old the day she begged her daddy to let her go with him to work at the gas station.
he had never let her come along before; no matter how many times she pleaded.
What changes are on the way?
by insearchoftruth ini was listening to the co talk to my wife’s congregation on sunday and pretty much the complete talk was justifying doctrinal and organizational changes and pretty much preparing the ‘rank and file’ for upcoming changes.
anyone on hear have any insight of what ‘new light’ is coming in the future?.
Has there been some foreshadowing of consolidation of halls since they seem to be ramping up their multimedia capabilities?
Yes there has. Just a few years back, here in the U. S., there were meetings with elders all around the country, concerning the consolidation of K.H.'s and asking if we would agree to sign over the Hall to W.T. Some congregations balked at the idea. Some congregations were merged, some K.H.'s were sold. Kim & Mike were doing a running total of Halls sold on their channel. There is a name for this branch of Watchtower, it's basically the real estate arm of the corp.
Sad thing about JW funerals
by joe134cd ini live in a country that has had reasonably low levels of covid.
bearing this in mind i’d like to discuss my thoughts on 2 jw funerals i attended during this time.. (funeral 1) even though there were no governmental restrictions at the time, the official stance of wt was the halls were shut down.
despite this the local congregation decided to open the hall up for the service and a reception at a private premises.
There is a new funeral talk outline that's been out about 5 years now that allows for a bit of personalization. The speaker can have 2 persons come to the platform and say something nice and positive about the deceased, kind of a semi eulogy. This has to be done in advance so that there are no surprise comments or statements. I listened to a Zoom memorial for a sister recently and the brother giving the talk did an excellent job. He talked more about the deceased sister and was really skillful in his use of scriptures. Didn't seem like it was a J.W. outline! The brother could have been P.I.M.O.
"The Bunker" episode
by neat blue dog inif you like criminal minds check out season 13 episode 6, the bunker.
of course it borrows from cults in general but some jw similarities as well, such as emotional propaganda videos, us vs them, telling new converts that they're going to be persecuted and told lies about the organization, end of the world fear etc.. here's an idea: if you're pimo, watch it with a jw relative and watch the discomfort ensue 😏.
As Get Smart would say, "It's the old 1914 knock."
Three children families stop step decline in Mormon membership
by joe134cd ini just posted this on a seperate thread, but i think it deserves its own thread.
this is with regard to the pew survey that states “2 out of three 3 born into the jehovah’s witness faith.
will not remain in the faith as adults.”.
I don't identify as a J.W. now unless there is a P.I.M.I. around. If someone asks, I say I'm Christian.
False members numbers
by asp59 inis watchtower faking there member numbers?
i live in europe.
for the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were df, pimo, left by own will, inactive.
There are probably 2-3 million P.I.M.O.'s like me who are reporting Field Service time, but not preaching the J.W. doctrine anymore. To keep family relationships and to keep the elders off of our backs, this is what P.I.M.O.'s are doing. Throw in about 1 million teenagers who are biding their time to leave and the number of J.W.'s drop drastically! I haven't made any type contribution now for about 2 years.
I realized years ago that headquarters was trying to prop up the numbers when older and infirmed could report as little as 15 minutes and be counted as a publisher. Now the C.O.'s are driving home the point that building work and L.D.C. duties are counted as sacred service.
JWs who are now paying the price of following the cult.
by mickbobcat inmy in-laws are two such people.
people who pioneered and did not work and try to save, instead they made just enough to get by and waited for the end to come.
now my mil is in palliative care and the state is paying for her keep, my fil lives in a dilapidated home and can not keep it up.
I know of a fulltime pioneer sister, who became a J.W. after college. She turned town well paying jobs and did low paying, menial jobs. Pioneered over 40 years. She is now on government assistance, housing and the food stamp program. Gets the minimum social security and still has to work. Never married or had kids, and still tries to pioneer, even though she has health problems! But hey, Armageddon is right around the corner!
by Gorb inwhat is the probability that a religious organisation is used for money laundering?
for example, large amounts of money are raised by the organization as a donation and then legally introduced into the financial system.
is there any chance that jw.org is used for this kind of purpose?
It's true that requests are denied even when repairs are desperately needed. At one K.H. the carpet was in desperate need of replacing and the requests were repeatedly denied. When W.T. cleaned out the local accounts, our congregation forwarded nearly $40,000 that we were saving for a building project.
Yes someone with mental or emotional issues can be dealt with judicially. No one can make the Borg look bad and so they have to be dealt with! Our elder body years ago had a case where the sister exhibited multiple personalities. We were told to disfellowship the personality that got baptized and professed to being a J.W.
How can you have a deficit for a Circuit Assembly on Zoom??
by pistolpete inremember when after a circuit assembly the assembly overseer would come out right before the end of the assembly and make a special announcement;.
"brothers, we have a financial deficit of $5,000 dollars for our circuit assembly.
keep in mind that we have utilities and other expenses that need to be met.
At the Zoom Circuit Assembly a few weeks ago, it was obvious that the Assembly Overseer was embarrassed to make the announcement that there was a deficit. To add insult to injury the circuit sent about $5,000 surplus to headquarters from the last Zoom Assembly!