Hoser, I was counting on mid-week Zoom meeting months ago: Jehovah, over 100 times, Governing Body/Faithful & Discreet Slave, 27 times, Jesus, only twice! You guessed it, opening and closing prayer. I just shook my head, from my re-reading and new understanding of scripture, Jesus is to get more honor than what he is given. New light
JoinedPosts by IWant2Leave
Please Keep Your Comments 30 Seconds or Less
by IWant2Leave inafter listening to the zoom meetings the past two weeks, i started to wonder, what is the real purpose for such short comments.
policy for 5 or more years now.
supposedly, it is so more can comment.
What kind of literary device is this?
by EdenOne ini know there's a name for this technique but i need a name, nonetheless.. if i say to my audience: apostates are horrible, satanic, dirty, sinners, mentally diseased etc ... all hateful traits.
and then i say: person a is an apostate.
then my audience will associate all the traits previously associated with "apostate" with person a. but i can say: i never said person a was horrible, satanic, dirty, mentally diseased etc.
Please Keep Your Comments 30 Seconds or Less
by IWant2Leave inafter listening to the zoom meetings the past two weeks, i started to wonder, what is the real purpose for such short comments.
policy for 5 or more years now.
supposedly, it is so more can comment.
After listening to the Zoom meetings the past two weeks, i started to wonder, what is the real purpose for such short comments. This has been. policy for 5 or more years now. Supposedly, it is so more can comment. I listen to ones who formerly gave such nice well thought out comments, who now basically regurgitate what’s in the paragraph. Why do you think WT haas gone to the 30 second policy? It’s mentioned before each question and answer part.
XJW Conference in Austin/San Antonio Area - Aug. 13-15
by Sea Breeze inthere is an xjw conference coming up in the austin / san antonio texas area in a couple of weeks.
former elders, ex-pioneers, born-ins and former ministerial servants will be speaking about the problems with the wt and offering ideas on how to approach current members.
counter cult experts will be speaking as well.
I would like to go but i’m PIMO. Maybe soon, once I make a clean break. I’m about 4 hours away. Maybe I could wear a Groucho Marx disguise.😂
How Do you Count How Long You Were In "The Truth?"
by IWant2Leave inif you were born in, do you count from the year of your birth, when you gave your first presentation at the door, (i was five),.
when you became an unbaptized publisher, (i was about 12), or when you dedicated your life to god,(org) and took the plunge?
what could you have done with all of this time?
If you were born in, do you count from the year of your birth, when you gave your first presentation at the door, (I was five),
when you became an unbaptized publisher, (I was about 12), or when you dedicated your life to God,(Org) and took the plunge? (I was about 16)
What could you have done with all of this time? Gotten a PHD, started a profitable business, become a millionaire, actor/actress/singer? Become president of the U.S.A.? So much time wasted and we didn't even know we were wasting time!
Where is LongHairGal? I see that you are back!!
Yes they sing on Zoom. My family really gets into it. The music gets off when the wi-fi glitches for the brother that's hosting. This happens on a regular basis.
Witnesses are also dressing up, some to different degrees. Most brothers do coat, shirt, and tie. What's on below varies. Sisters are doing the makeup, blouse, and the hair! What's below, who knows? No one in my family puts on their shoes. I notice that more and more cameras are off one year later.
For the Zoom convention, it's full dress, minus the shoes, the badge is on. The shoes are put on when they go outside for the pictures for "The Best Convention Ever!"
Love the don't use a gun for self defence by Gary Bro
by mickbobcat ini just watched that stupid talk by gary while e bro on not using a gun for self defense but it went deeper.
i was that you don't defend yourself against violence.
well ain't that great from an asshat living in a gated and guarded compound.
I think W.T. has hired armed security at night. I was told this by a Bethelite years ago. The ones in the grey suits are Bethelites during the day. Can anyone confirm one way or the other?
For Witnesses Who Want To Leave Fade, Disassociate or Get Disfellowshipped?
by minimus inmy opinion is if possible fading is the best way to go..
It really says something about an organization that takes so much thought to leave and still keep your family and friends intact. It's like mafia or a gang where you can't leave unless it's in a body bag. Just think about it, a grown up can leave their job, school, club, even the military once your time is done, and any other number of things. But with J W's it's all stress and strategy. I think it will get easier as time goes on. In my area of the U.S., even old timers are quitting, pioneers, m. servants and elders. I've had two C.O.'s that hinted that they would leave or resign from the traveling work, but have nowhere to go and no money for retirement. So they keep up the charade. Sad when you think about it.
I'm in the second year of my fade, elders that I served with continue to call and I get messages that the congregation misses me. They want to know why don't they see me on Zoom? I think sometimes that I should D.A., but I have too much family in that would shun me.
Major ABC news article JW'S in Russia
by Bill Covert inif someone can post an abc news article on forum, i lack the computer skills.
please read.
the main point was nobody is able to figure out motive for persecution.
KH's Still All Closed- How Bad is WT doing Financially?
by OnTheWayOut inmost churches are back to in-person worship.
not jehovah's witnesses.
is watchtower still managing to fleece the flocks as the sheeple no longer get literature, no longer go to the kh, no longer walk past the donation box?
In my area, the elders are having problems keeping the lawn mowed. The few younger brothers are either unwilling or their work/school schedule doesn't work out, and the older brothers can't take the sun. There is over an acre to mow, and even with a riding lawn mower and several self-propelled mowers, its hard work. We had brothers in the past get dizzy and have to take a break, or stop mowing because of this. Add in the trees and shrubbery and it's a very big job. We were going to hire a lawn service years ago and the CO shot that down. But all excess monies go to "Mother."
Shortly before I stepped aside as an elder, they were having a problem getting elders to serve on the Kingdom Hall Service Comm. The chairman slot that headed up repairs was a sought after spot, now nobody wants it.