Yes someone with mental or emotional issues can be dealt with judicially. No one can make the Borg look bad and so they have to be dealt with! Our elder body years ago had a case where the sister exhibited multiple personalities. We were told to disfellowship the personality that got baptized and professed to being a J.W.
JoinedPosts by IWant2Leave
How can you have a deficit for a Circuit Assembly on Zoom??
by pistolpete inremember when after a circuit assembly the assembly overseer would come out right before the end of the assembly and make a special announcement;.
"brothers, we have a financial deficit of $5,000 dollars for our circuit assembly.
keep in mind that we have utilities and other expenses that need to be met.
At the Zoom Circuit Assembly a few weeks ago, it was obvious that the Assembly Overseer was embarrassed to make the announcement that there was a deficit. To add insult to injury the circuit sent about $5,000 surplus to headquarters from the last Zoom Assembly!
1914 Questions
by sweetyj inim not sure if this has already been asked here but i have some questions about 1914. if jesus arrived "invisibly" in the year 1914 why do the anointed partake of the emblems?
why didn't they stop in 1914?.
if jesus is ruling in heaven then why are the anointed still on earth?
Hi Atlantis! What format is Fred Franz' talk? I think I would like to have that.
Will Christ Be Ashamed To Claim P.IM.O.'s?
by IWant2Leave ini started my fade about two years ago and at present i have no intention of writing a disassociation letter.
the pros and cons of being p.i.m.o.
have been discussed on this forum many times.
I am a P.I.M.O. I started my fade about two years ago and at present I have no intention of writing a disassociation letter. The pros and cons of being P.I.M.O. have been discussed on this forum many times. But for us flying under the radar, going along with W.T. teachings when we really don't believe, so that we can keep our family relationships, are we being cowards? Do you think that the Christ will disown us before his Father?
(Mark 8:38)
Watchtower More Important than the Scriptures
by Vanderhoven7 inmack moore ex-jw recovery writes:.
yes, that is how they want people to esteem the magazine.
they believe it is the unique mouthpiece of god.
This is so true that J.W.'s feel that the W.T. and the publications trump the Bible. On a judicial committee, as an elder, I brought in a scripture that I thought had a bearing on the case. My fellow elder told me that he didn't care what the scripture said, that he was going by what the Shepherd the Flock and the Watchtower had to say on the matter! Another instance is when I found out that the W.T. teaches that Christ is not the mediator for the other sheep. Reading the scripture concerning this at 1Tim 2:4, 5, it spoke to me, being of the other sheep, I felt that Christ is my mediator. My wife felt the same way as I did until she did research (if you can call it research) in the W.T. publications. She changed her mind and said that Christ is not her mediator.
I was an elder for 25 years, so I'm guilty of getting on the platform at the Kingdom Halls, Circuit Assemblies, and Conventions and quoting W.T. publications as the authority. "God forgive me!"
Any signs that Kingdom Halls will re-open soon or door to door work will re-start again?
by eyeslice ini've not heard anything from pimi wife about going back to the khs yet let alone the door to door work.. many churches round here have re-opened if only for private pray and i am guessing that things like singing may be a factor in the reluctance of the witnesses to get back together again.
i also detect that many older ones are still quite afraid to go anywhere they may come in contact with people, even for shopping.
on the other hand, here in uk you can now go to a football match with 70,000 others shouting and chanting.. the door to door work may a total different issue.
Some JW's in my area have refused to get the shot. A 50 something year old JW died just a few days ago, she was not vaccinated. Older ones are still very afraid and cautious. Some JW's have expressed that they will not be going back before 2022, even if the halls reopen this year. I have heard elders around here say it won't be before Nov 2021 when the KH's reopen, and this was before the Delta and the Mu strain of the virus. Things may have been pushed back even further. Circuit Assembly is via Zoom in a few weeks.
Anyone have an obvious gay or lesbian in the congregation?
by mickbobcat inwhen i was a kid we had a kh with a basement and this guy joe winestien lived in it.
he has passed away i believe.
he was about 24 and used to hang around the young boys.
I’ve known several. Some even went to Bethel, but got kicked out for watching gay porn and starting a romantic relationship with another brother. I know an elder who has admitted being gay but is fighting it. I know of an elder years ago that got caught with another gay man. The elder was a married man, his wife had a nervous break down after this became known.
Decades ago a sister could not divorce their husband if they were having a relationship with a man or even practicing bestiality. It was not considered grounds for a scriptural divorce.
by Atlantis injust in case anyone wants this letter.. 2021-september-covid-letter.
Thanks Atlantis. You rock!
GB / Wives ,wont voluntarily give up their lifestyle
by smiddy3 injust an observation viewing some of their on camera appearances , and their arrogance believing they are the only one`s used by god to reach and teach the people ,despite what gj said at the arc on the subject.. no doubt the gb men wear designer tailor made suits from the best tailors in nys ?
and their wives adequately provided for in a similar way ?
nothing from kmart or target ,walmart or whatever.. shoes are probably made from form fit cobblers to fit the individual ?
Some of the traveling overseer's wives were on depression/anxiety medication. Sometimes c/o wife would disappear for a week or two. I found out a few years ago that there is a doctor/psychiatrist in Florida that treats c/o wives. Can you imagine hearing the same talk/jokes every week until he makes the first round of congregations, and then it starts all over, and this goes on for three years, and then the c/o moves to another circuit and the cycle begins again? As I think back, only one of the c/o wives that I met was really an outgoing gregarious person.
Most looked unhappy, probably wanted a family, and possibly P.I.M.O. That's enough to make anyone into a sour puss.
I have never been to Las Vegas.
by Iamallcool ini would like to visit las vegas one day.
if you have a choice, would you want to live there?
low humidity sounds good to me.
I have visited Vegas twice. It's a fun city and it has nice suburbs, nice manicured lawns in the area where we were once you get away from the Casino/tourist section. There are palm trees and mountains just a few miles from all the glitz. Some of the casinos have very good food at a reasonable price, drinks too. Their objective is to try to get you to gamble, but you don't have to if you don't want to.