I did not come to this board for a handout, or for free anything. I came to this board for the support and encouragement it touted as its purpose.
again, I did not come to this board for a handout, or for free anything. I came to this board for the support and encouragement it touted as its purpose.
One very fine lady insisted I take some money to help me through a couple of days and I accepted gratefully.
Another regular poster on this board offered me a place to stay, my own room with TV and internet. They offered to send me money. They expressed concern and said that if I ever make it to their town, to let them know and I could stay with them. Without knowing it, I did make to their town, and did not realize it til after the fact as I read through past posts and pm's. I called and asked if i could stay but just for a day or two until I could make arrangement to get to my sisterinlaw's, to which they flat out refused me. They had formerly spoke of their religious convicitions and tithing, and blah-blahbidy-blah blah, devout Chrisitians no doubt, but when it came to keeping their word, acting on their Christian faith, they backpedaled, made excuses, and turned me away into the cold blackened night like sad, pathetic, hypocritical, weak-ass whatevers.
Thanks to those who offered the encouragement this board touted. Bravo. Thanks for not offereing false hope and empty promises. Thanks for being practicle and real.
To those who offered false hope, empty promises, and offers I did not ask for only to make excuses for not following through, shame on you. I never asked you for shit, and it must've made you feel good about yourself to make such generous offers right up until I said yes to one of them. Then you ignored me. Then you made excuses. Then you turned me down flat for no valid reason whatsoever. you did not learn the lessons the WTBTS should have taught you about how NOT to act in Jesus name. You suck, and again, shame on you. I did not ask you for what you offered me. I only took you up on your offer after the fact, then you showed your true self. Empty words. Empty hearts. Empty pretentious people. Justify it all you want, but you hurt me more this night than you can imagine.