western lands have gleefully exploited the worlds resources over the past 200 years.most of us have taken advatage of what our economies have offered to us.but has and does our life style not only ruin the earth but ensures that other countries remain pour.. the goods we demand and are used to having ,have a cost to the environment .we want them cheap , this ensures low wages where big western companies can get cheap labour.the size and power of western business means that pourer countries cant grow economically.the big western business are so powerful that they earn more money than entire countries.. suvival of the fittest has taken its toll on mankind while we live in comfort the majority of earth inhabitants don't.how much is our fault?
I'm sure I'm opening up a can of worms here, but I don't think the west should be blamed entirely for the problems of the rest of the world. Societies that segregate classes, sexes and religions are also to blame, governments and religions that prevent followers from seeking health care and higher education, and cultural mores that devalue education, birth control, medicine and technology are responsible for some of the world's problems too.
My favorite place is the sea shore - preferably at a full moon, but since I live about three hours from the beach I make do with the backyard. Sunsets are great too. As for the differences - trees are living, and like stones they have their own energy that you can draw from. The manufactured objects really don't, though I suppose you could suffuse your own energy into any object that had meaning for you.
today i questioned my mother about the fact that she told me ?
yrs ago how she lost 2 kids through a miscarriage but then later told me she aborted them,well i didnt know what to say, but then later questioned her about this i asked her why she did it, she told me that she was already bringing up me and my sister and financialy impossible to look after two more kids,well i didnt agree with that reason or any reason to kill the unborn she then said she wasnt in the truth then "huh what difference does that make".
then she gave an illustration of reasons when you should condone abortion and it goes like this, if you were raped and later found out you were pregnant what would you do she seemed to say she would abort it,i said i wouldnt if that happened to my wife i said i would probably end up having it adopted,after all its better than murder.. how has this affected my familys view on abortion i wonder, well i have 5 sisters and 1 more brother,and already my brother in cold blood made his girlfriend abort hers due to the inconvienience,and also my older sister had hers aborted 2 yrs ago because the father didnt want to know with out a hint of regret,so im now starting to see a pattern in my family,whos to blame them or my mother as a role model.. so to cut a long story short do you think killing an unborn child is murder,would you do it under certain scenarios.
Of course every situation is different and what you described had to be horrible for everyone involved. In the case of a couple faced with a high risk pregnancy of course I think the father does have some say and it's something the couple has to work out, but the fact remains it is the woman who has to go through the pregnancy, the labor and deal with the physical and emotional consequences of that experience. While I think a married woman should definitely include her husband in the decision making process, if he makes the choice, no matter what the choice is, she has to deal first hand with the consequences and either way, she could end up resenting him for it. It sounds like in the case you described, there would have been emotional turmoil no matter what decision had been made.
today i questioned my mother about the fact that she told me ?
yrs ago how she lost 2 kids through a miscarriage but then later told me she aborted them,well i didnt know what to say, but then later questioned her about this i asked her why she did it, she told me that she was already bringing up me and my sister and financialy impossible to look after two more kids,well i didnt agree with that reason or any reason to kill the unborn she then said she wasnt in the truth then "huh what difference does that make".
then she gave an illustration of reasons when you should condone abortion and it goes like this, if you were raped and later found out you were pregnant what would you do she seemed to say she would abort it,i said i wouldnt if that happened to my wife i said i would probably end up having it adopted,after all its better than murder.. how has this affected my familys view on abortion i wonder, well i have 5 sisters and 1 more brother,and already my brother in cold blood made his girlfriend abort hers due to the inconvienience,and also my older sister had hers aborted 2 yrs ago because the father didnt want to know with out a hint of regret,so im now starting to see a pattern in my family,whos to blame them or my mother as a role model.. so to cut a long story short do you think killing an unborn child is murder,would you do it under certain scenarios.
Haujobbz - you're right, I don't know that you are not a woman, but your argument reminded me of a discussion I had with my JW ex many years ago. He had been told by his mother that she had considered an abortion when she was pregnant with him. This news devastated him. [I can say I agree it's not a nice thing to hear and not something that a mother should necessarily admit to her child, but nevertheless] he took it very hard and was beside himself. I told him it was a long time ago and not to dwell on it. She DIDN'T have one, obviously so why get upset 20 something years after the fact? He said to me, and in all seriousness mind you:
How would you feel if I had never been born?
I thought, well, probbaly pretty foolish since I'd have been sitting there talking to no one. And arguing with them no less. The fact is, it's been my experience that those who argue most vehemently against abortion are usually men.
today i questioned my mother about the fact that she told me ?
yrs ago how she lost 2 kids through a miscarriage but then later told me she aborted them,well i didnt know what to say, but then later questioned her about this i asked her why she did it, she told me that she was already bringing up me and my sister and financialy impossible to look after two more kids,well i didnt agree with that reason or any reason to kill the unborn she then said she wasnt in the truth then "huh what difference does that make".
then she gave an illustration of reasons when you should condone abortion and it goes like this, if you were raped and later found out you were pregnant what would you do she seemed to say she would abort it,i said i wouldnt if that happened to my wife i said i would probably end up having it adopted,after all its better than murder.. how has this affected my familys view on abortion i wonder, well i have 5 sisters and 1 more brother,and already my brother in cold blood made his girlfriend abort hers due to the inconvienience,and also my older sister had hers aborted 2 yrs ago because the father didnt want to know with out a hint of regret,so im now starting to see a pattern in my family,whos to blame them or my mother as a role model.. so to cut a long story short do you think killing an unborn child is murder,would you do it under certain scenarios.
I think unless you are a woman faced with an unwanted pregnancy you really have no say in the matter and your opinion is moot. It's a personal decision and the few people I've known who have been in that position did not make the decision lightly. I know far more people who chose to have children they didn't want and proceeded to give them miserable lives and dismal futures. Bad parenting is a far worse crime in my opinion and a much greater epidemic.
Welcome to the board. I'm one of those non-witnesses who had a relationship [sorry I mean 'disasterous' relationship] with a witness. I can tell you this - life goes on and it gets better when you walk away from the bad relationships. If he can't love you with all his heart because the 'organization' comes first, then he can't love you enough to make it work. It's hard to let go, but if you read some of the stories here you'll see that relationships where one person is in the BORG and one person is not are difficult at best, horrendous at worst.
I came here at first out of curiosity and I stay - partly because this place is addictive and partly because, like a lot of others here, if I can help someone by sharing my experiences, I'm happy to.
i always wondered why women in most religions seem to play the lesser role,like why cant women say a prayer for others if men are there to do it(refering to jws),men work and women play there role as housewife(ie:muslims),women cant be elders,women came from adam,women viewed as weaker vessel etc.its seems to me that the female is looked at as a lesser being by god and man as the dominant one,most sisters i knew just kept quiet about their roles as wifes and got a long with it,whereas 1 or 2 werent happy about how they were viewed by god,and i think they had a lot to offer others as regards congregational duties and their abilities were overlooked.
Women have always had a power that mystifies and frightens men. The creation of a male diety who views femals as secondary and by turns disposable, unclean, wicked or weak is the males' way of leveling the playing field.
this morning's paper had an article on the amish [nothing in depth, just about how they sell their wares at local markets] but it brought to mind the ideas of the amish - they want no part of the world, they don't like to call attention to themselves, don't baptize little children, and they shun those who leave the faith.
i was just wondering if anyone here could shed some light on how jws view the amish.
Interesting story, Elsewhere. What strikes me is this woman was disturbed by the idea of the dead suffering in torment and was happy to discover that was not the 'truth' yet apparently she's not bothered by the idea of 99.9% of the population dying at Armageddon.