Since you have responsibilities, the time should go faster. I don't know how I did it before I had responsibilites. Now that I have things to tend to, stuff to hand out, people to confirm, etc., the time actually goes by pretty quickly. Granted, those responsibilities are before and after the meeting, but a lot of those responsibilites I am thinking about at my seat, ready to catch people before they leave, etc. It keeps my mind busy with work rather than thinking about the material. Sad, I know.
JoinedPosts by nochoice
To those still "in" - how do you keep up a facade?
by magotan ini can't come out until the summertime.
in the mean time, i have to feign interest like i want to stay so i don't end up homeless.. .
i can't sit at the meetings without getting visibily irritated.
What JW catch phrase DRIVES YOU NUTS!!!!
by megaflower in"we should be mindful".
Also, Listen, Obey and get screwed
Damn it Superman, how do you expect me to sing this song again in the hall without laughing?
Another rumor about changes in Watchtower and Awake
by wannaexit init's only a rumor.
but we all know that sometimes rumors become a reality.. supposedly the public watchtower and awake magazines will be combined together and the two shall become one.. i wonder if the present 16 page "rags" are becoming an embarrassment.
they truly are rags of the lowest quality..
Yeah, regarding the "nested magazine" crisis Sir82 and wha happened mentioned, there is a letter to be read this week reminding the friends that they need to check and double check thier magazines for doubles as so many congregations had to make emergency re-orders for January magazines.
Now that we're using the back of the Watchtower to start bible studies on the first Saturday instead of the middle, it would be an easy switch to have a "reversible" magazine - instead of a back cover and front cover, an Awake cover and a Watchtower cover. Just flip it depending on if you need a bible based article (Watchtower) or a secular article (Awake).
I hate to give the Society advice, but I have an even better idea which will save the same amount of money (assuming the end product will be a total of 32 no matter what) and be great for the publishers - nest the Awake inside the Watchtower and you have a "set" ready to go!
What JW catch phrase DRIVES YOU NUTS!!!!
by megaflower in"we should be mindful".
Just following on from brother/sister so and so's comment...
YES!! Or in my hall, "in harmony with brother so and so's comment ..."
Always gotta make sure the prior brother or sister does not think you're tyring to one-up them when you append to their thought!
What JW catch phrase DRIVES YOU NUTS!!!!
by megaflower in"we should be mindful".
"There will be plenty of time in the new system for ___________ " Rest - Play - Recreation - Dancing - Golfing - etc. Basically anything you like to do but don't have time to do or cannot afford to do. The worst one:
Tired now? Keep persevering. There will be plenty of time in the new system to rest!
Yeah, when I am dead!
What activity or dream did you put off till the New System?
by nochoice inafter reading the thread about jw kids getting gifts all year and not needing christmas, i thought about how i was told there would be plenty of toys in the new system.
i was told that on my birthday too.
and now i started thinking about all the things i justified suffering growing up as a kid, and then a teenager, and then an adult, because it would be better in the new system.
I always wanted to do volunteer work. The field ministry was so fulfilling, it just seemed like wasted time. I wanted to help in a more concrete way, but you would have been criticised for doing that, plus a lot of volunteer opportunities are associated with a church. I finally pushed myself to do it, 12 years after I left.
Lisa Rose I am so glad you're doing REAL volunteer work now. It was always so disturbing to go door to door with someone that introduced themselves as a "community volunteer." I think that ploy worked many times and got more placements for that publisher, but it was so misleading.
Why do you ask that? Do you think that the Kingdom Melodies will no longer be available in the New System?
RubaDub I think we have to wait to see what's in the new scrolls! We cannot be sure so we should not speculate if Kingdom Melodies will still be with us during the 1,000 Year Reign, or whether Jehovah will approve of ball gags. See here WT 2010 4/15:
How will Jehovah use his holy spirit in the coming new world? That spirit will be the force behind the new scrolls that will be opened at that time. (Rev. 20:12) What will these contain? Evidently, Jehovah’s detailed requirements for us during the thousand years. Do you look forward to examining the contents of those scrolls? With eager anticipation, we await that new world. We cannot begin to imagine what it will be like to be living at that blessed time when Jehovah will use his holy spirit to fulfill his purpose for the earth and humankind upon it.Funny thing, I have learn to play the guitar didn,t wait for New System. Sailing around the world, that,s another matter.
jam I hope you get to do some sailing, even if it's not internationally.
marriage, education, hobbies, friendships...anything that wasn't directly related to "kingdom interests". after all, what if Noah asked you what you did during the last days and you said ANYTHING BUT PREACHING, He would reply...well, i'd have liked to learn to scuba dive, too, but I was busy preaching and building an ark to save the lives of my family and animals and anyone that would listen.
Fedup I remember that thought process too. "When the door to the ark is closing, do you want to be out in feild service or at a movie?"
What activity or dream did you put off till the New System?
by nochoice inafter reading the thread about jw kids getting gifts all year and not needing christmas, i thought about how i was told there would be plenty of toys in the new system.
i was told that on my birthday too.
and now i started thinking about all the things i justified suffering growing up as a kid, and then a teenager, and then an adult, because it would be better in the new system.
I never even had a dream being raised as a witness. I was always waiting for Armegedon and the new order.
I got to be 60 years old and life passed me by.James Brown you're not alone. That's pretty close to my personal experience. And now I am back in order to get a semblance a family in my life.
What activity or dream did you put off till the New System?
by nochoice inafter reading the thread about jw kids getting gifts all year and not needing christmas, i thought about how i was told there would be plenty of toys in the new system.
i was told that on my birthday too.
and now i started thinking about all the things i justified suffering growing up as a kid, and then a teenager, and then an adult, because it would be better in the new system.
I may be in my 30's, but I've just been offered an EARLY PLACEMENT in a university!!!!! I had to do the special test to see if I could even apply, as I had to leave highschool early (plenty of you will know all about this) and I am super-excited to announce I start next year. So, nochoice I have started to fulfill a dream quashed by the JDubs years ago.
gorgia that is cool as hell! It's a shame that because of the JW's you had to wait, but it will taste so much sweeter when you get it now!
What activity or dream did you put off till the New System?
by nochoice inafter reading the thread about jw kids getting gifts all year and not needing christmas, i thought about how i was told there would be plenty of toys in the new system.
i was told that on my birthday too.
and now i started thinking about all the things i justified suffering growing up as a kid, and then a teenager, and then an adult, because it would be better in the new system.
depressing to think back on that state of mind, especially since I put off everything for the hope of paradise, while at the same time being absolutely certain I wouldn't make it.
Sorry Hortensia. I know that feeling of waiting until the New System, but constantly thinking I would be killed at Armageddon. How was a kid supposed to interpret - probably, maybe, possibly - you will be concealed?
I wanted to take up boxing as a teenager but there was no chance.
Did some martial arts but had to stop when i was found out.Are you out now Splash? Ever think of taking it up just for a nice workout?
So the minute I was out the first thing I did was sky dive! Now I'm addicted to free falling!
Nice SophieG!
wa happened I knew so many young brothers that loved to play but the constant assembly parts killed it for them by their parents. I remember that the number one testimonial through interviews of young men at assemblies were about getting out of lucrative sports scholarships and how happy they are that they didn't go down Satan's road. Parts about brothers who walked away from playing music must have been close second!
Have my wife get naked, glue pages of Studies of the Scriptures to her body, put a ball gag in her mouth and slap her on the behind while listening to Kingdom Melodies.
Rubadub did you really think you'd be able to do those things in the New System? Lol
I only put things off until I was of legal age and could get out of that stupid cult of mentally ill people.
Yohan I am happy for you that you got out before you wasted your young adult or adult life. You're one of the lucky ones!
What activity or dream did you put off till the New System?
by nochoice inafter reading the thread about jw kids getting gifts all year and not needing christmas, i thought about how i was told there would be plenty of toys in the new system.
i was told that on my birthday too.
and now i started thinking about all the things i justified suffering growing up as a kid, and then a teenager, and then an adult, because it would be better in the new system.
After reading the thread about JW kids getting gifts all year and not needing Christmas, I thought about how I was told there would be plenty of toys in the New System. I was told that on my Birthday too. And now I started thinking about ALL the things I justified suffering growing up as a kid, and then a teenager, and then an adult, because it would be better in the New System.
Overworked with service and study and meetings? There will be plenty of time for sleep in the New System!
No toys to play with now? You'll get freaking lions later! (And snakes to stick your fingers in too, won't that be cool?)No possible wife or husband to choose from that's in the Truth? Well ... we'll make it so you dont' want one in the New System cause you can't marry there, but rest assured, you'll be happy and not want sex anyway.
Of course, many of us put off higher education and put the ministry first, since that nice house will be even better if we don't try to get it now but wait for the New System.
What things did you really want to do, or really want to have, or really want to experience, that you decided you just weren't going to get in this Old System, but that's ok it will be GREAT in the New System? And if you're "out" now, were you able to go back and fulfill any dreams?