Interesting comments and responses. LongHairGal: I'm referring to both moral/financial help, I can also include physical help. This question was raised because I had an experience.
Five years ago, I was experiencing financial hardship and I was unemployed. I received a call from a brother who wanted to gather a team for an industrial company, because he received a call from the general manager. The general manager was a well know brother who was in our congregation before he moved; I knew very well this brother since I invited him sometimes to my house to have meal with him and his family. The brother who called me invited to an interview and to travel to the city to check everything before moving. Everything went fine: interviews, medical checks, apartment rent, cost of living, etc. Then, the brother told me that the hiring process will take a while, so I returned home to prepare myself and my family for moving. The time passed: one week, two weeks, three weeks... and nothing. So I called back the brother, and he told me that something went wrong with the hiring process and I will not be hired. He forwarded me the email from the general manager where explained why I was not hired: I had two lipomas in my harm and medical department was worried about it. I explained them that those were from genetics and benign body fat tissue. But the decision was made: I will not be hired, since I did not satisfy the requirements for the medical department. Anyways... the general manager brother knew about my financial hardship, he knew me for a long time, and despite his position of power and decision, could not he made a concession regarding my "medical" condition? I was disappointed, (actually this experience was one from others which triggered my fading), since I expected a little help from someone who was considered "my brother".
I know a lot of brothers who did not receive any help from brothers who had the power/means of helping.