All about "Sacredness of Blood" is BS from the Org to justify the doctrine about blood, in order to prevent it from liability and lawsuits. First, it took about 66 years to the Org to set the doctrine (1879-1945). Then, the prohibition of blood among vaccinations. After that, the "personal and conscience" use of fractions of blood or medical procedures. They have to understand that the account of Acts needs to be interpreted according to the culture and knowledge about blood in those times.
I found interesting the note in the article of Matthew Goff "Monstrous Appetites: Giants, Cannibalism, and Insatiable Eating in Enochic Literature": "It is possible that the prohibition against the consumption of blood developed because this act played a role in divination. Divination and the consumption of blood are banned together in Lev 19:26 (cf. 1 Sam 14:31–35). See Milgrom, Leviticus 17–22, 1490–93; Biale, Blood and Belief, 21–23; Wright, The Origin of Evil Spirits, 148. Consult also P.T. Reis, “Eating the Blood: Saul and the Witch of Endor,” JSOT 73 (1997): 3–23."