JoinedTopics Started by cognisonance
Best Life Ever...?
by cognisonance in
seems to be a real jw sponsored song?
sounds almost like country/folk.
Why don't JWs have problems with board games involving dice?
by cognisonance inso i don't really care about these things anymore, but i was reading this article (and it's a very good one): gamified life.. in the article it mentions (without references):.
dice-based games of chance are thought to have originated with ancient divination practices involving thrown knucklebones.. .
so it's okay to play yahtzee but not okay to go trick-or-treat.
Why did you leave?
by Fred Franztone inwe all have many reasons for leaving, most are doctrinal, some are emotional.
it's a religion which obsesses over factual proofs (counterfactual though they are) of its veracity rather than faith, so it's inevitable that most who leave will do so for intellectual reasons.
which doctrine above all others forced you to reconsider your position?
conversation with a JW about the sun
by neat blue dog injw: didn't we just hear somebody say that the sun's gonna blow up?.
me: well, they were saying that it will expand and eventually burn out.. jw: but it can't do that, it just keeps blowing up inside and getting more power.. me: well, they were talking about stars in general, how they have a life span.. jw: but god didn't make it that way, it's firmly established to time indefinite.
it's not like the sun is a regular star.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses Accept Evolution?
by jukief inby evolution or by creation?
by evolution or by creation?
"the bible is a myth" and "evolution is true".
Trying to read snippets of JW literation now is like trying to read random text
by cognisonance ineffects present letters inquiry no an removed or friends.
desire behind latter me though in.
supposing shameless am he engrossed up additions.
Watchtower May 2018
by Listener inthe may 2018 watchtower is now out and thought i would make a few this article we get a story about gb sam herd.
the recurring theme throughout is the struggles he has had as a black man.he was born in 1935 in a one roomed log cabin in liberty indiana.
his mother raised him in the baptist church.
November Is The Cruelest Month
by JRK ini have been going through old papers and photographs since my mother passed away.
it has reminded me of some of the reasons that i really hate november.
this year has added to it obviously.. thirty-four years ago, my father passed away in early november.
Costs Associated with a Regular Size smaller rink Assembly Public Owned
by truthlover123 injust came from the one day -- like to call it that cause everything is a changin.... this question would be directed to someone who worked in accounts for an assembly of maybe 1700 in attendance (recently) in a small town, about 2 hours from a main city.
the accounts report was read and it was a stunner..... i guess i could call the location and see how much it costs to rent this arena for a day and see but i was wondering why would they send a large amount of monies to the wt and say we are short on contribution???.
anyb ody know - i do know about monies going for child abuse court problems they are having - latest one in canada where there us a class action suit being brought by trey bundy... plus the so called out of court settlements worldwide.. arc, britain, i know that end of it - just wondering why they are sucking /lying to support the www... .
"We don't venerate idols or images!"
by stuckinarut2 inhow often did we as witnesses say something like this : "unlike members of false religion, who venerate or worship through statues or idols, we give our focus to jehovah!".
members of religious groups focus their religious adoration via an image or statue.
they do this in order to provide some sort of focus to their need to worship.. witnesses give extreme focus on the name "jehovah" .