Fair enough. It is sadly ironic as you say. I really feel sorry for the friends that left me behind when I decided to never return to their religion.
JoinedPosts by cognisonance
Update on shunning@the store. Watchtower victorious.
by quellycatface inyep, that's right.
after all my friends and my efforts, the shunning carries on.. the 3 people who were shunning me at my local supermarket, still, are carrying on this practice.. little subtleties like avoiding eye contact, making busy as i walk past and looks out of the corner of their eyes.
you know the modus operandi.. nothing now the store can do about it.
Update on shunning@the store. Watchtower victorious.
by quellycatface inyep, that's right.
after all my friends and my efforts, the shunning carries on.. the 3 people who were shunning me at my local supermarket, still, are carrying on this practice.. little subtleties like avoiding eye contact, making busy as i walk past and looks out of the corner of their eyes.
you know the modus operandi.. nothing now the store can do about it.
It's sadly ironic. JWs give a lot of lip-service to being "courageous" and "standing-firm for righteousness," but the truth is they all succumb to fear of manwhen they are blindly obedient to the capricious dictates of the WTBTS, their golden idol.
That may be what is happening, but for the true believer, I doubt they are aware of that. They really think they are obeying god. They don't realize they are succumbing to fear of man. They may be blindly obedient, but it's becase their minds are controled and don't see what is really happening. They are captives to the religion.
Update on shunning@the store. Watchtower victorious.
by quellycatface inyep, that's right.
after all my friends and my efforts, the shunning carries on.. the 3 people who were shunning me at my local supermarket, still, are carrying on this practice.. little subtleties like avoiding eye contact, making busy as i walk past and looks out of the corner of their eyes.
you know the modus operandi.. nothing now the store can do about it.
If people choose to act like that do you really want to interact with them anyway? I don't, I'm happy enough without having to make small talk with such people
The problem is, if they are true believers, they really don't have a choice do they? Certain people shun me and the few times I did get to speak with them they told me that they don't want to but they have to be loyal to thier god... It's not really a choice when they really believe god is holding a gun to their head if they talk to former believers is it?
Do You Like or Dislike Algebra? Why and Why not?
by Scott77 injuly 28, 2012is algebra necessary?by andrew hacker .
a typical american school day finds some six million high school students and two million college freshmen struggling with algebra.
in both high school and college, all too many students are expected to fail.
I will give when it comes to tackling the algebraic aspects of calculus is one I emphasize again and again to my students: TAKE YOUR TIME!!! Many mistakes can be eliminated by not being in a hurry to solve a problem. Also, look over the test when you get it and do the easy problems first. That will leave you a lot of time to pore over the more challenging ones and you won't feel yourself under as much pressure.
I tried doing this on my last exam (taking my time). I wasn't rushed, but I only had enough time to try each problem once without any time to double check. I felt goo about the test (and I actually did well on the previous quizs for the chapter gettings a 70, 100, 95, and 100). I thought I was going to get a high B, low A. My score? 81.5% after a curve (76.5 originally). The professor told us curves will be rare, so don't rely on them, even though both exams have been curved so far. I haven't gotten my test back yet even though I took it almost 2 weeks ago. We have two teacher teaching this class as they are dealing with vacation this summer and the teacher that gave us the last exam is now on vacation, but mailed the tests to the other teacher. I should have them tomorrow. My grades are online so I can at least see how I'm doing. In other exam where I went faster, I had time to double check my work. Either way it doesn't make much difference (that test grade: 70%, after curve 80%). The mistakes from going fast with double checking (and thus fixing some mistakes), are about the same as the mistakes from going slow without.
I've always been a slow test taker in high school and college from over 10 years ago, and the same is true today. I'm the type of student that thinks really deeply about problems and typically spends on average, about 15 minutes a problem on calc 1 homework (which makes this take a long time, as I usually have about 50 problems to do each week). I do practice some problems before an exam to make sure I can solve them in say around 4 minutes, but it's always difficult. I'm just not fast, even if I understand the concepts and how to do things.
I'm not a fast reader (even though I've bought a speed reading book and have tried to increse it, around 160-200 words/minute deepending on the material). I'm a softare engineer, and when I program, I'm also a slow thinker and want to fully understand what I'm about to do before I just jump in and get stuff done, but the quality of my work is very high.
Essentially, If I had say, 2-3x the time that is typically devoted for a Calculus exam or test, I'm sure my grade would be a solid A, not hovering around the C/B range. If I go slowish on a test (that is only time to attempt each problem but not double check) it's still fast for me. I get to the answer and can tell it's not right, but have no time to fix it. If I try going faster, then I just make even more mistakes, and while I have some time to fix them, it just seems to be a wash with when I go a bit slower. I just am a student that needs more time!!! I try to devote more time to studying, but this is difficult working full time even though this is the only class I'm taking this summer. I'm spending about 15-20 a week on homework. And another 5-10 hours a week on supplimental review, quiz, and exam prep. So 40-hours of working, plus 20-25 hours of school. I don't really know how to devote even more time to become faster.
I've also bought 3 supplimental books (humungous book of calculus problems, calculus lifesaver, and pre-calc for dummies). I only really have time for the pre-calc book for review looking up something I have forgotten (like the unit circle or factoring polynomials). I also use Khan academy to practice those concepts. I have test taking anxiety, which after 2 exams and a dozen quizes I'm just beginning to learn to deal with. As mentioned I'm a slow test taker. The classes are in the evenings after a long day of work, and my study time is mostly in the evenings as well. The best time for me is in the mornings to have my mental capacities running at optimum, but I work most of the time. I only have the weekend to work on class in the morning. I'm making sure I get 8-9 hours of sleep each night. I'm eating healthy. I take breaks when I get stuck on problems in the homework, but I am a bit stuborn in that I won't skip then until I finish them.
I'm trying my best and I'm struggling to get a B- in this class. I never in my life struggled this hard with any class, including math (though I've always struggled somewhat with math but chaulked this up in the past to not really trying hard [because I feel I didn't try as hard as I could or really do my homework like I should]). This time around I'm giving in all the time I have. All the focus I can. I'm thinking about math so much that I often dream about equations most nights. It's all consuming and I still just can't get anything higher than a B- on tests. And quizes hover in the 60-100% range, averaging around 80%.
I'm just frustrated!
Do You Like or Dislike Algebra? Why and Why not?
by Scott77 injuly 28, 2012is algebra necessary?by andrew hacker .
a typical american school day finds some six million high school students and two million college freshmen struggling with algebra.
in both high school and college, all too many students are expected to fail.
I'm taking Calculus right now. . . .
And you would think where I'd get hung up is in all that fancy calc stuff like derivatives, and derivatives of derivatives . . ..
But nooooooo. . . . . . all of those concepts I've got down pat.
Where do I always screw up? In the friggin algebra!
Drives me absolutely mad!
Same here! It's very annoying. My last test, where I thought I did really well (High B, Low A) turned out to be a low B (after a curve at that). I haven't gotten it back yet, but I suspect this is because of algebra mistakes. For me the issue with algebra is making small mistakes and not having enough time on exams to find the problems and fix them as in this last one, we had about 3.8 minutes a problem to solve and the bulk of the test is about Calculus concepts and algebra keeps getting in my way (and now the unit circle is beginning to as well).
Shunning at the Jehovah's Witness Convention San Diego 2014
by Watchtower-Free infound this on youtube.
its interesting how jws act .creepy.
I agree with designs, when watching this I wondered what would be the reaction of people if he did this randomly to people on a busy street in a city and asked a simple question (for that audience), something like, "What city are we in." The fact he is filming and with a microphone would make many probably avoid him just like many do a pan handler on the streets. They probably don't want to be bothered, be recorded, etc.
I remember attending a convention in the 1990s, where I think were ex-members were outside protesting (and lot's of them). Hundreds of convention volunteers (elders?) went outside early after the convention to form a human barrier between the leaving delegates and the “apostates.” IIRC, those forming the barrier even locked arms or held a rope to prevent anyone from approaching the protestors, or the protestors approaching the leaving delegates. Having that on YouTube would be better at shoulding how much the religion is a cult. This video, not so much.
Cults and Convergent Evolution
by cognisonance ina thought popped in my mind on the way to work today.
most jws don't think they are in a cult (or an organization with many cult-like features).
this isn't really surprising considering most cults dont think they are, well, a cult.
A thought popped in my mind on the way to work today. Most JWs don't think they are in a cult (or an organization with many cult-like features). This isn't really surprising considering most cults don’t think they are, well, a cult. What is interesting is my hypothesis for explaining in part why JWs can’t see they are in a cult. Simply, I think that many JWs think that cults are malevolent groups on purpose and probably think of well-known cults like People’s Temple, or Branch Davidians, as examples. Next they reason that JWs aren’t making anyone drink cyanide or participate in a shootout, they aren’t a group that purposely wants to do harm, they aren’t a group where someone is narcissistic and wants control, so therefore they aren’t a cult.
What escapes notice however, is that a cult doesn’t have to start out being an effort by one person (or a group) to purposely brainwash others. The brainwashing doesn’t even have to be with malice. I’m not even sure if the two groups just mentioned were doing these things on purpose. Rather, think about the concept from biology called convergent evolution where species evolve similar traits despite not being related. They got their traits because they worked and increased the chances of living long enough to reproduce.
Many of the cult-like traits that JWs have (information control, shunning, us-vs-them thinking, black-and-white thinking, special channel from god, doubts/dissent punished, etc) were likely not purposeful, but rather were traits that were stumbled upon and, like convergent evolution, they worked at keeping the religion alive long enough to spread or spread better.
While getting them to study evolution is unlikely, I wonder if helping them see that when someone calls them a cult they aren’t trying to use a four-letter word that implies their group is purposely evil and manipulative, but rather, that it acquired traits overtime that are beneficial for the organization, but disastrous for individual members. These negative traits are what people mean when they call JWs a cult.
Reconciling animals and suffering
by Pacopoolio inwe know that christians generally go through ridiculous mental voodoo to explain why a benevolent god allows human suffering, and none of it makes any sense, or is filled with bunk logic.
that's what happens when you try and retrofit a jewish "god is good and evil" religion into a benevolent religion.. .
one of the biggest "trips" to a jw/christian in continuing this line of thought is asking them why god would create animals simply to suffer and die, then, after they try to blame everything on adam (whose brain god supposedly created, and who put him into the exact situation that had an influence on that brain to cause him to sin).
Ray, Paco is right. See here: http://atheism.about.com/b/2011/11/22/william-lane-craig-animals-arent-aware-of-their-pain.htm
Reconciling animals and suffering
by Pacopoolio inwe know that christians generally go through ridiculous mental voodoo to explain why a benevolent god allows human suffering, and none of it makes any sense, or is filled with bunk logic.
that's what happens when you try and retrofit a jewish "god is good and evil" religion into a benevolent religion.. .
one of the biggest "trips" to a jw/christian in continuing this line of thought is asking them why god would create animals simply to suffer and die, then, after they try to blame everything on adam (whose brain god supposedly created, and who put him into the exact situation that had an influence on that brain to cause him to sin).
Yep... great way to get the cognitive dissonance flowing. In fact, I still have that issue with eating meat... We share so much in common with other animials. Our limbic systems (areas of the brain that control variety of functions, including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction) are very similar, not just to our closest relatives such as chimps and bonobos, but also even the fly!
Did you know that flies when they get regected sexually, get depressed and go get drunk? Don't believe me? Check this out: Learning From the Spurned and Tipsy Fruit Fly
Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Cult? (alternate title: Balls, Cuts, and Dudes - Oh My!)
by cognisonance inoh my... from their jw.org site:.
no, jehovahs witnesses are not a cult.. .
nice rebuttal to the question.
Of course we all know the answer to the question. I was just do a breakdown of their answer, and I'll admit, I was being a bit snarky as well. But for some people this may be new to them. Not everyone on this site has been here a while.
This post was more about how evasive the answer is.