Three words: Quid quo pro (and a link). I also wonder how a game theory approach to this situation would model on a computer, that might be a good way to gain insight into the politics of this all. I would bet if the US would agree to quid quo pro, things would not be so tense.
North Korea is no ideal place to live and no one likes the idea of a dictator. But as long as tit for tat is in the realm of aggression instead of cooperation... well what do you expect?
JoinedPosts by cognisonance
North Korea Has Gone and Done it Again
by cofty innk has fired another icbm over japan.. the missile flew 2,300 miles at an altitude of 480 miles.
a korean spokesman has said about japan, “the four islands of the archipelago should be sunken into the sea by the nuclear bomb of juche.
japan is no longer needed to exist near us”.
I work full time and go to school part time. So here is the best advice I can give you. Insist on getting 8 hours (or whatever amount you need to function well) every night. Try your best to avoid robbing from sleep to turn in an assignment (if you must you must, but avoid needless procrastination). You might even find you'll need more sleep than you are used to.
The second thing is that it may take you a while to adjust to being back in school if it's been a long time for you. I'd also recommend picking up "The End of Stress" by Don Joseph Goewey. -
Once you've proved the truth to yourself you don't need to keep trying to disprove it...
by cognisonance ini was told this during my judicial committee (some five years ago) when i brought up concerns i had with the "truth.
" in addition one of the elders (who was an engineer) said once you've accepted a proof of pythagorus' theorem you don't later start doubting that theorem.
i thought that argument was a weak analogy then.
Yes of course I agree with you both. I guess my point was lost. This Elder tried to appeal to what he saw as an example of absolute truth: proof in mathematics. The irony is that even mathematicians are reluctant to say something is totally true.
Once you've proved the truth to yourself you don't need to keep trying to disprove it...
by cognisonance ini was told this during my judicial committee (some five years ago) when i brought up concerns i had with the "truth.
" in addition one of the elders (who was an engineer) said once you've accepted a proof of pythagorus' theorem you don't later start doubting that theorem.
i thought that argument was a weak analogy then.
I was told this during my judicial committee (some five years ago) when I brought up concerns I had with the "truth." In addition one of the elders (who was an engineer) said once you've accepted a proof of Pythagorus' theorem you don't later start doubting that theorem. I thought that argument was a weak analogy then. However, I now find this argument ironic after reading this:
How do we know that such and such “theorem” are true, if the proofs are almost certainly full of errors?
Well, we don’t. In mathematics, as in large parts of natural science, it is an unfair fight. We can “easily” show a purported proof is false by finding an error, but we can never know for sure that it is correct. (Even if you apply a formal proof checking technique, you can never know for sure there was not an error in that process.)
What happens in practice is that once several experts in the domain have examined the argument and declared themselves to be satisfied it is correct, then the rest of the mathematical community accepts that fact and moves on. The more people look at it, the more confident we get.
However, there have been times when this process was eventually found to have gone wrong. Arguments that have been accepted for some time are subsequently found to have a fatal flaw. That’s why mathematicians are reluctant to ever say something is totally correct. -
How many do you figure are converted through the door to door ministry?
by HereIgo ini regular pioneered for 2 years and never have actually converted anyone through the door to door work, in fact, i only knew a few individuals that joined this way.
most were born-in or at least had some type of family influence.
i had several bible studies but they all got cold feet when things got serious and potential baptism was discussed.
I wonder how many JWs don't care if they lead anyone into the organization because they are just trying to avoid bloodguilt when every non-Witness gets wiped out at Armageddon.
I recall, during the time I was waking up, being out in service with a special pioneer (he was laid off from bethel service). One Saturday a neighborhood was full of people mowing their yards and doing other things on a nice morning. Many cars were also in the drive way. Barely anyone answered the door and people in their yards turned us down before we could say much. He remarked, "None of these people are interested in hearing the truth. Why can't they see we are trying to save their lives. At least I'm doing my part. I'm sure they'll be sorry when Armageddon comes!"
I respond, "Well, think about what it's like being in their shoes. They see us coming to their door and choose not to answer likely because they see us as a nuisance like a competing energy company coming to your door trying to sell you a different electric or gas service. Or they view us like Mormons. It's no surprise they'd rather just not answer the door. Seems a bit harsh that they could die because of turning us down. How could they know a priori that we have 'the truth'?"
Assembly experiences that strech the truth
by karter inelder and his wife build a flash house.. they go on the stage at an assembly and give an experiences of how they sold the flash house to simplify their life so they can go pioneering.. the real story.. elder and wife can't afford the flash house and have to sell it he never goes pioneering she does until they are declared bankrupt.. why were they bankrupt?.
the money leaft over from the flash house they invested in a yet to be build apartment and the developer goes bankrupt takeing their money.. just one of many.. karter..
needed $XX.XX to pay his ----- bill for the month. He only had the $ .XX and needed the $XX.00. He prayed and lo and behold ... in his hand and there was the exact $XX.00 to make up the difference!
I remember hearing similar experiences from the District Convention years ago. In fact, I also remember my Elder Dad (who to this day still shuns me thinking it's the moral thing to do) admitting he has a hard time with experiences like this using the same logic you did (why did god give him money but lets brothers and sisters live in abject poverty in Africa or lets brother X's wife die from cancer, especially when they are likely praying for better outcomes too!). So he views these kinds of things as specious but somehow still believes this is the truth. To him these are just imperfections of the most prefect, imperfect organization known on earth. So strong is his belief this is the truth that he maintains "integrity to Jehovah" and shuns me for leaving.
Assembly experiences that strech the truth
by karter inelder and his wife build a flash house.. they go on the stage at an assembly and give an experiences of how they sold the flash house to simplify their life so they can go pioneering.. the real story.. elder and wife can't afford the flash house and have to sell it he never goes pioneering she does until they are declared bankrupt.. why were they bankrupt?.
the money leaft over from the flash house they invested in a yet to be build apartment and the developer goes bankrupt takeing their money.. just one of many.. karter..
I think the OP means "flashy house"
Assembly experiences that strech the truth
by karter inelder and his wife build a flash house.. they go on the stage at an assembly and give an experiences of how they sold the flash house to simplify their life so they can go pioneering.. the real story.. elder and wife can't afford the flash house and have to sell it he never goes pioneering she does until they are declared bankrupt.. why were they bankrupt?.
the money leaft over from the flash house they invested in a yet to be build apartment and the developer goes bankrupt takeing their money.. just one of many.. karter..
I'd be surprised a JW couple would admit to building a "flash house" :
a house frequented by flash people, as thieves and whores; hence, a brothel.
JWs Among the Least Educated in the US
by jp1692 inseptember 6th, 2017: a just released research survey shows once again that jehovah's witnesses are among the least educated people in the united states: .
america’s changing religious identity.
it is also interesting to note how jws rank in the categories of: income, insurance coverage and homeownership.
"Some College" could also mean associate Degree as "College Graduate" usually only means completing an undergraduate study (which a 2-year degree is not considered to be -- I would know as I'm trying to finish my undergraduate education after having earned an associate degree as a JW many years ago).
Watchtower Ironically Warns It's Memeber About "Propaganda" - Watchtower July 2017
by pale.emperor in
in what is just the height of irony, watchtower warns us about propaganda, and accepting everything we hear/read.
yes, we should ignore those that try to stop us thinking critically as this watchtower article will now teach us.
@ ttdtt: Regarding:
propaganda “is likely to be most effective,” says one source, “if people . . . are discouraged from thinking critically.
Hmm... doesn't the governing body explicitly discourage critical thinking? Yeah the ellipse is intellectually dishonest, but really, JWs being advised to use critical thinking? Huh? Contrast that with these quotes:The word philosophy is derived from Greek roots that mean “love of wisdom.” As used here, philosophy is not built on acceptance of belief in God, but it tries to give people a unified view of the universe and endeavors to make them critical thinkers. It employs chiefly speculative means rather than observation in a search for truth. -
In modern times, a very small number among God’s people have become disgruntled with some aspect of Christian teaching and have murmured against the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization. Why does this happen? Such murmuring is often caused by a lack of understanding of God’s way of doing things. The Creator progressively reveals the truth to his people. Hence, our understanding of the Scriptures is bound to be refined from time to time. The vast majority of Jehovah’s people rejoice over such refinements. A few become “righteous overmuch” and resent the changes. (Ecclesiastes 7:16) Pride may play a role, and some fall into the trap of independent thinking. Whatever the reason, such murmuring is hazardous, since it can draw us back into the world and its ways. -
*** km 9/07 p. 3 Question Box ***
Does "the faithful and discreet slave" endorse independent groups of Witnesses who meet together to engage in Scriptural research or debate? -- Matt. 24:45, 47.No, it does not. And yet, in various parts of the world, a few associates of our organization have formed groups to do independent research on Bible-related subjects. Some have pursued an independent group study of Biblical Hebrew and Greek so as to analyze the accuracy of the New World Translation. Others explore scientific subjects related to the Bible. They have created Web sites and chat rooms for the purpose of exchanging and debating their views. They have also held conferences and produced publications to present their findings and to supplement what is provided at our Christian meetings and through our literature.