Wal-mart is fresh out of virgins
Now that is an understatement.
so i get this envelope in the mail.
i know it's, like, apostate stuff.
because it doesn't fall to the floor after coming through the letter box.. inside is an invitation:.
Wal-mart is fresh out of virgins
Now that is an understatement.
there are lots of outrageous things that have happened to each of us in our longer or shorter association with the jay-dubs.
but it's amazing sometimes what teeny things have been the final straw.. being raised as a jw, i swallowed most stuff whole my entire life.
then, as a teen began to question some things, but waited patiently for jehovah to straightened things out.
TW, all I can say is, assholes!
And you are better, smarter, and prettier than any of them. I think its weird, but at some point, it is a good thing to admit that we are better than some others. The weird part being how naturally resistant most of us are to doing that.
i was wondering about this part written in the.
w. 15.02.2001 page 29 (box) :.
...related to this, christian should avoid putting onto, or downloading.
Just a note, it would be practically impossible to 'violate' the WTBS copyright.
They have no profit from the literature (supposedly), and they are willing to give it away free (certain restrictions apply).
Beyond the lack of any monetary reason for there to be any copyright violations, as Simon brought out, fair use allows for just about all the uses I have ever seen from opposers on the web.
As a not for profit religious organization, they are really just being silly even mentioning copyright in relation to their words.
so i get this envelope in the mail.
i know it's, like, apostate stuff.
because it doesn't fall to the floor after coming through the letter box.. inside is an invitation:.
I'll have good dreams tonight! Thanks Expat
from a very young age i have been curious about the ransom jesus provided.
i always wondered why god found it necessary to have his son killed for our sins or our inherited sin, when he simply could have just waved his hand and forgiven us.
my catholic faith helped me some to understand the 'financial' exchange aspect of the ransom, but it was never truly satisfying to my sensibilities.. upon becoming a jw, i felt that they had better ideas and definitions.
I've heard of ministers going insane trying to understand it all.
LoL, maybe. But I think a lot more; get rich by trying to explain it all. Or acting as if they can explain it all.
Thanks for organizing those thoughts amazing. Very good questions.
there are lots of outrageous things that have happened to each of us in our longer or shorter association with the jay-dubs.
but it's amazing sometimes what teeny things have been the final straw.. being raised as a jw, i swallowed most stuff whole my entire life.
then, as a teen began to question some things, but waited patiently for jehovah to straightened things out.
Beard here too.
After 6 years of constant beatings from my fellow slaves due to "rebelliously" keeping my beard, the discouragement finally allowed me to see clearly. With help from several prominent posters at Witnet, the scales finally fell off my eyes.
Wish I had followed my gut about the beard from the start.
Just yesterday a bro who found out I am now inactive tried to posit that the beard thing is reasonable; a line has to be drawn somewhere, doesn't it?
I could barely breath under the weight of his stupidity.
I guess the beard was really the many pounds of straw that had been piled on my back. "The straw" was the blood issue. I finally saw just how 180 degrees opposite from a reasonable interpretation of the Bible it was.
And that was it.
i'm a new member but have been a lurker for some time, even more so since witnet went down.. i have never been a jw, though i have a couple family members on my side who are, also my inlaws and my inactive jw husband.
right now i'm studying though it's more out of learning about them and finding out what makes them tick rather than joining.
also the jws are the only religion that my husband would allow me to get involved with.
Also the JWs are the only religion that my husband would allow me to get involved with.
No really, what?
welcome to the board, btw :)
the woman i am dating has a 4 year old child.
he's a cute kid, and we get along very well.. the father was once a jw and he went to the same kingdom hall as my girlfriend.
but now he's out and celebrates holidays, birthdays, etc.
I've read your other post. Let me try to be delicate. You have seen from this board just how deeply people are affected when they "Believe". It really goes quite a bit deeper than most religions. That belief comes with a heavy set of requirements.
Your girlfriend is ignoring those requirements. Yet, she still believes, obviously.
To cut to the chase; that situation is doing a serious Mindf*** to her. She may not show it yet, but think about it. It is not a healthy mental and emotional situation.
I know as a fellow male from Texas, that you are no doubt pretty damn special , but you aint God, and in her mind, you aren't even really approved by God (I'm sure she has some rationalizations going on in her head, but that is all they are, rationalizations, and not very good ones at that).
I feel for you. I feel for her. I'm not saying this is insurmountable, but tread lightly. I am saying that it is far bigger than your relationship.
I am also not condemning her. While I think it is a big mistake for her to go against what she believes, I also know that sometimes the heart and gut knows things far sooner than the mind can change it's belief.
e-mail me if you'd like to talk further.
I'ma be a frickin' papist in a John Paul mask TheRealSlimSixy
a friend of mine partook of the emblems the other day.
now the elders want to speak with him.
i know he lurks hear so i want him to see your answers?
Joelbear, agreed.
I think that sums it up well.
On the one hand, it was a command from Jesus, on the other hand, he only had the twelve with him when he gave it.
So rules, schmools, etiquette, schmetiquette.
the following tale will only take a few minutes to read.
i strongly encourage you to take the time and see 'the point' for yourself.. .
you begin to sign and then you see that the number of pints of blood to be taken is empty.
Interesting thoughts, Frenchy. I had those thoughts a few times back when I was a true believer, especially when I would hear the "bridge" story. I would not let my mind go too far down that road however. Still, I would get far enough along that thought process to realize that Jesus was NOT really being killed in any sense that we humans understand.
Now I suppose, some would say that is the point, that neither are we really dead, but only sleeping. But then, the whole point of those stories is to make us feel the agony that God supposedly would have felt. That is where the stories fall apart for me. It was a horrible death, no doubt, but innocent children experience far worse every day, and their loved ones have no hope of seeing them again in three days. Now THAT touches my heart.
And, as others have noted, the stories play against our feelings of powerless-ness in doing anything, except this ONE thing, to help all of humanity. Not at all the case with God, is it?