I could not help but be struck by how convieniently absent the real meat of this story was in the WT; David's child is the one who paid the real price for David having yet another sexual escapade. Not criticising, mind you, I fall in love very easily myself.
JoinedPosts by SixofNine
June1,2001WT QFR Confess to Elders?
by ISP in(entire article).
questions from readers.
in view of jehovahs willingness to forgive sins by the merit of the ransom sacrifice, why is it necessary for christians to confess to the older men in the congregation?.
144,000 epileptics?
by SixofNine inok, so that might be the superbole of hyperbole, but this is velly, velly interestink!
Ok, so that might be the Superbole of hyperbole, but this is VELLY, VELLY interestink! http://www.newscientist.com/features/features.jsp?id=ns22871
To Mommy (Wendy) & Prisca
by LoneWolf into wendy & prisca,.
you badly misjudged both my intentions and what i wrote.
isnt that exactly what ive been saying all along and the reason that i posted in the first place?
In the past, all things are possible.
by Seven in1 fri., april 13 toronto at ottawa cbc, espn, src 7 p.m. et .
2 sat., april 14 toronto at ottawa cbc, espn, src 7 p.m. et .
3 mon., april 16 ottawa at toronto cbc, src, espn (b-net) 7 p.m. et .
I'm not really a "fan" of any sports teams, but, Dallas is my city, so if you wish, I'll be happy to rub your noses in it as Dallas wins on its' march to the cup.
I won't be paying too much attention though, so you may have to remind me to harass you.
New field service tactics!
by NikL innew regular pioneer techniques .
these are untried and untested techniques to get .
they're called goats in the bible.
The sad thing is, I saw this posted on WOL.
Stated as humor of course, but still!
Hysterical Men & Women!
by trevor into waiting - (and all you lurkers out there - what you looking at - this is private?).
i'm little confused.
though i have no recollection of calling you hysterical, let's say i did and i've forgotten.. you say that to call you hysterical is 'a gender related criticism.
Uh, sorry Trev, I guess I kinda made it seem that maybe I was you and you was I. I've been driving your jag on weekends too. Sorry again, I didn't think Waiting would ever bring it up again (I kinda made it sound like you/me was a serial killer too, sorry about that as well, it just seemed prudent at the time).
Oh yeah, I made the original li'l joke knowing full well the origin of the word. I must say, I had forgotten the treatment options until Abaddon reminded me. Wow, it was a mans world for the last 6k or so wasn't it? I just hope the sisters are as nice to us as we were overbearing abusive to them in the next 6k.
Six- of the take your medicine class
I will say I dont find him petty in any regard.......
....its his board game!
You denigrate the Creator with your silliness, Stephen.
It takes 5 seconds to say a quick prayer. Any truly spiritual person does not need or care whether the school system sets aside time for it. It always has been, and always will be, a total and complete non-issue for people who truly care about praying and not politics.
The plane in China was flown down with the skills of the pilot and the remaining mechanical ability of the plane. I don't have my JW view of the military any more, but why the f*** would God intervene in something like that? Especially when you look at what he does not intervene in.
And you, young man, why the hell are you blathering about miracles in regards to this China plane situation? I assure you the pilot is glad to be alive, but he knows exactly how he got the plane down.
I mean, at least be willing to think the best of God, instead of making him as small and petty as a fundy reading the morning paper.
Stephenw20, what do you mean?
the link was made by him.........choice is wonderful.......pushed to the limit...........my experience tells me they will pray............ this gentleman was asking fo rthe room to make it possible......
??? Since when have kids in school not had room to pray???? In emergencies or otherwise???
:the plane in china
What??????????? What the hell are you talking about; miracle?
Oh please.
Prayer is, and always has been welcome in school.
You just do it. Prayer is not really a group activity.
Bring back prayer my arse. If your kid feels the need to pray, he or she can do it at any time. If your kid feels the need to get a group of kids together to pray, your kid might need to rethink just what it is they believe about God.