"What if Jehovah's Witnesses were right about Armageddon..."
Just stop there...that sentence is not logical.
but god has changed his mind?
according to the bible god can and does change his mind.
the example of jonah comes to mind.
"What if Jehovah's Witnesses were right about Armageddon..."
Just stop there...that sentence is not logical.
i for one would be very interested , if you can quantify what his acheivements have been , these past almost 100 years .. incidental acheivements could do for a start ,.
followed by more meaningfull acheivements ,.
then to top it off , with his major acheivements that he can be accredited with these past 99 years of his kingdom rule ,.
100 years? But he returned in 1874, or was it 1878? Or was it...
who do jw's think is going to kill everyone at armageddon?.
how will it happen?.
what is their evidence?.
Anyone executed at the hands of Jehoover will not be brought back...so those in the flood...those in Jerusalem at 70 CE...those at the Big A (7 billion of them)...ALL OF THEM...not brought back...only those who died in ignorance or not at the hands of Jehoover will be brought back...
who do jw's think is going to kill everyone at armageddon?.
how will it happen?.
what is their evidence?.
Who do JW's think is going to kill everyone at Armageddon?
Angels...humans are told to "stand still and see the Salvation of Jehovah"
How will it happen?
It starts with a Great Tribulation where the UN attack false religion and end up attacking JW's last, this is like attacking Jehoover and He comes via JC and the angels, probably using the natural elements too and systematically destroys all unfaithful humans.
What is their evidence?
It says so in the bible, according to their interpretation.
Who will be resurrected afterwards? Only JW's?
No, everyone prior to the Great Tribulation will be brought back those faithful first, then the unfaithful...barring a certain few like Adam & Eve, Sodom & Gomorrah etc
the new new world translation translates jeremiah 29:10 as follows:.
10 for this is what jehovah says, when 70 years at babylon are ful?lled, i will turn my attention to you, and i will make good my promise by bringing you back to this place.. the official watch tower society teaching is that by the end of the 70 years, the jews were back in judea, and that their actual arrival in judea marks the end of the "70 years".
*** si p. 85 par.
What is good about this thread and this point is though that whilst the whole 607 BCE and 70 years is a massive topic there in a nutshell in one ot two paragraphs it is refuted...
"it seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today".. w07 1/1 pp.
27-28 the first resurrectionnow under way *** now under way?.
from the time of the apostle john and on into the lords day, anointed christians were puzzled as to the identity of the great crowd.
Surely they mean the 24 elders are communicating to the FDS sorry I mean the GB via Holy Spirit...how else would they communicate?
many times (almost all the time) atheists asking for proof of god's existence from those who believe that god exists.
perhaps at times they should prove he doesn't exist.
any taker?
The reason why we don't believe in ghosts, vampires, wearwolves, mummys, ghouls, zombies etc is due to one fact.
That in this day of age with billions of mobile devices that can capture pictures and video there is not one real video, or real picture that proves they exist.
Same logic to God...thousands of years of human history recorded...not one line of proof that there is a God...
End of.
this post was taken from reddit exjw but makes a very good point:.
these are two paragraphs of the watchtower of january 1st 2014.... .
i don't know about you guys, but in my mind, i'm seeing a deja vu of the articles before 1975 i've read.
I think everyone who knows TTATT sees this as an absolute mess...I'm going to go over it with my still-in wife to see how a dub sees this...
this post was taken from reddit exjw but makes a very good point:.
these are two paragraphs of the watchtower of january 1st 2014.... .
i don't know about you guys, but in my mind, i'm seeing a deja vu of the articles before 1975 i've read.
@Pistoff...it means that they are some who are anointed today who are alive that did not overlap with anyone who was alive and anointed during 1914...for instance let us say an anointed person who is 50, born in 1963 and was anointed at 40 so in 2003 they had their "calling".
In 2003 there are none of the anointed alive who were anointed in 1914 thus this person is NOT part of the second group that overlaps the first.
this post was taken from reddit exjw but makes a very good point:.
these are two paragraphs of the watchtower of january 1st 2014.... .
i don't know about you guys, but in my mind, i'm seeing a deja vu of the articles before 1975 i've read.
The problem with sir82's point is Franz was 99 when he died and that was in 92 but that is one situation...surely they could not based an overlapping generation theory on one individual?
So if you say Generation 1 were around 18 when they became anointed, then Generation 2 would be around 18 when Generation 1 people were dying. So on average, Generation 2 people must have been born by 1948. That means that your average Generation 2 person is now about 65. And since we're using this average lifespan of 70 years, that puts the limit of when the end will come to sometime in the next 5 years.
The anomaly is that there were people like Freddie Franz. He lived to be 99. So when the end doesn’t come in the next 5 years, which of course it won't, the dubs will still be able to rationalize that Freddie died in 1992,and so Generation 2 must include some people who were 18 and anointed when He died, which pushes the outer limit of Generation 2's lifespan way back to 2044 (using the 70 year lifespan of people born in 1974.)
And... since none of the current GB will be still around at THAT outer limit, then they don't really need to care how to extend it any further.
But for right now, using the average lifespan of 70 and the average age of anointment as 18,that means the Overlapping Generation understanding gives the dubs roughly 5 years before they have to start reconsidering the whole thing.