All countries have a deficit...ours is huge though...worse than Greece' requires massive reform to be wont happen under the SNP because they have no clue...thus the logical conclusion is to stand united as part of the UK.
Points 1 and 2 are easily answered...if it wasn't for the rest of the UK we would be in a worse position a long time is because of the rest of the UK that we are still standing. We will improve as the UK as a whole improves.
You don't seem to answer the point as to how we go independent purely from a financial view given our deficit?
Because if someone ever does with credible facts you will find many who voted no would vote yes, myself included. But there are simply a lack of facts...your points are all ifs and can we improve as part of the UK etc...all fluffy questions that do not tackle the actual issue that people like myself want answered.
And the answer is not there, SNP want me to "gamble" aint happening...I'll vote NO to SNP for as long as it takes to protect my beloved Scotland until the point where the SNP, or any other party, outlines a credible manifesto as to how it would all work.
PS. I think we have hijacked this thread! Lol