I read every bit of it...utterly absorbing...many thanks for writing that...
I'm a Leeds fans...safe to say our teams have both been through the wringer! Looks like we are both on our way back up though!
Hope you still go to matches!
i have posted the full story on a fb site.
so my apologies to anyone who's already read it.
some of what i've written is what was told to me by my father.
I read every bit of it...utterly absorbing...many thanks for writing that...
I'm a Leeds fans...safe to say our teams have both been through the wringer! Looks like we are both on our way back up though!
Hope you still go to matches!
making little or no difference to our daily lives, comes the claim that most of our human genome is not functional.. dan graur an (evolutionary) biologist at the university of houston and other academics made the claim in a paper published in an online journal, genome biology and evolution.. the group's calculations suggest that not more than 25% of the human genome is functional - the rest is seen as 'junk' dna,.
see science dailys coverage of the report at: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170714140234.htm .
coverage of similar research at the uk's oxford university (reported in the guardian aust.
Atheism is the driving force behind the standard godless evolution narrative, not facts.
Just go away...cos that is utter crap.
42years have passed since the great 1975 expectation delivered nothing.
blame for the expectations laid at feet of the faithful, 'it's your fault , you believed us so you are responsible for the let down'.
i have asked this previously and repeat the point, where were the current members of the governing body, 43 years ago.
I thought they were all of the "other sheep" when that WT article came out about "helpers" in 1992...and most of the current GB were helpers when that WT came out...and it said all helpers are of the "other sheep" hence why the current lot cannot be the second generation in the overlapping malarky because none of them were anointed in 1992 because they were all helpers then and the WT said the helpers were of the other sheep.
so in england they report a "white clean-shaven man" mowed down worshippers at a mosque.
why do they never make such detailed descriptions when muslims do the same?.
i hope this event isn't a bad turning point.
Surprised this has not happened soon tbh...nutters everywhere.
it's nearly a job for life if you don't literally fu.. up..
Yes...I reported his sons for drinking and debauchery to him and he said he would sort it out...nothing happened...I spoke to other elders...they were not aware of it...he covered it up...removed.
i bleed for the poor souls caught in that.
no sprinkler system in that domestic building..!.
tragically the govts various of london learned nothing during the world war..
Even worse is that this predicated to have occurred given the state of the building and the apparent owners neglect...
theresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
the point is that the UK government were scared enough of the "SNP threat" to suppress the reality of North Sea oil revenue at the time and misinform the public.
No that is not the point now is it? It has no relevance to the 18 year old voting in Scotland for NOW and the next 5 years. As I said what has happened in the past does not matter because the case of independence and oil revenue is now dependent on different factors in different circumstances.
To be fair...as a person who does not agree with the SNP and I side on unionists, I voted tactically against the SNP and I know many did too.
And it worked. But as SBF advises you need to be aware of the current political climate and feelings in Scotland to understand this.
I guess it does sound weird to not vote for the party you want but the party who will most likely displace the SNP in your area. But it is the reason why Alex Salmond and Angus Robertson are out of a job...that and well other reasons that I'll keep to myself.
SBF, you still haven't answered my question, you raise all other points and they are good points but still can't answer my fundamental question.
If we go independent now and lose money from the subsidy from the rest of the UK via the Barnett Formula and add in the fact oil revenue has gone for good how do we cope with a massive drop in income? How do we address the £15 billion deficit? WITHOUT extreme austerity measures since SNP say its wrong to do so.
Where is the money going to come from to keep Children Hospitals running if we remove billions of income from the UK given that we are overspending by £1,000 per person WITH that income from the UK at the moment? I understand your point about relying on the UK for the future but you still have not answered this question.
I tell you, if the SNP just answered that, gave evidence with facts and figures that we can do it then they would win the hearts and minds of the Scottish people.
It's the one thing they can do and it would almost certainly make independence real and not just a possibility but a reality.
But we know the reason why they haven't to date when it is the one thing they could do to achieve independence...
Because there is no way to do it without massive austerity measures, tax rises, cuts to public spending and cuts to all the current perks we enjoy.
Do you realize this is the main reason why many do not side with the SNP even though they would love to see independence?
theresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
SMB...utterly irrelevant what has happened in the past.
We are not or would not vote on past things...we would vote on the current situation.
There is no money from oil now...and that won't change...in fact oil revenue is is the red...the bill picked up by the UK!
To cut off our funding with no way to replace it is suicide. We both may not like the current arrangement but that is the current situation.
You are right, we have no oil revenue. So we break away from the UK...we have no money coming in from oil so how do we cope with losing billions in subsidy from the UK.
I'll repeat I've never had a straight answer yet from any SNP MP or supporter...because the only answer is painful.
Raising of taxes, cutting of public spending, cutting of all that is good and free like eye tests, prescriptions, uni fees, childcare etc.
I do not want to inflict that upon my children or my nation.
If the SNP or any party produced a manifesto that clearly showed, with facts and figures that were not made up, that there was a path where we could go independent and not severely damage our already fragile economy and then grow and prosper then many of the 55% who voted NO in 2014 would change to YES myself included.
But there isn't...
theresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
Actually that's the point. The Barnett formula only gave back to Scotland some of the extra money that was raised in Scotland from oil. Until 2014 Scotland had been sending more per capita in tax to London than it was receiving back in extra spending every single year since at least the early 1970s.
See this table that shows higher tax receipts per capita in Scotland compared to the UK for the last few decades.
Only very recently has this trend changed. London has not been sending Scotland money, it's been the other way around.
The idea that London will send Scotland extra money indefinitely despite falling tax revenue from Scotland is a leap of faith.
In fact London politicians have stated the opposite: that Scotland in future needs to raise its own taxes to cover spending.
So I ask again what makes you think London is going to send extra money to Scotland for decades to come?
Leap of faith? The UK government is responsible for all areas of the UK, whilst Scotland, Wales etc indeed are nations they are still under the responsibility of the UK...they are not going to knacker up a whole area of the UK they are responsible for. UK government sees Scotland, Wales just like English county's really...we are one big family.
It is a bigger leap of faith to hope, guess etc that leaving the UK will be better, there are no facts to indicate that will be so. The facts seem to force us to come to the conclusion that life would be much harder if we went it alone.
So at the moment I choose the less of two evils so to speak.
The fact 45% of our nation choose to ignore these points and "hope" it would be better independent is quite frankly embarassing.
theresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
Do you really believe that London will send a subsidy to Scotland for decades to come if we remain in the union?
Well they have since how long? 1980's when the Barnett formula kicked in? Irrelevant though...the fact is we go solo now...it will destroy us.
That is all is that matters. If, at some point in the future, it becomes apparent we can be independent AND go it alone financially then THAT is the time I vote YES.
Surely that is the common sense approach?