A brand new member and this is their first post?!!!
This is no newbie
I concur...this may be one of the other activists.
A brand new member and this is their first post?!!!
This is no newbie
I concur...this may be one of the other activists.
Other activists are claiming Lloyd was removed as an elder for masturbating over a 14 year old...he responded in a Facebook post.
Sadly, whether it is true or not we do not know but Lloyd has a point...if it is true because there is evidence why not report it?
What it does do is show people "on the fence" that exjws are "mentally diseased" because the attack on lloyd has been vitrol to say the least.
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
I love this forum for the individuals that appear on them...venus seems a cracker...
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
And in that case it is pointless whether to believe in him or not as it serves no purpose or benefit to god or us if he does not communicate.
But the point also is you say he exists yet does not communicate...but then you cannot know he exists if he does not communicate...therefore act like he does not exist and live a good life.
i used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
The evidence we have suggests there isn't...if there is one then they need to help us appreciate that there is a god if the god wants us to recognize or worship him.
They also need to explain why all the evidence points to the fact we all descend from a common ancestor and that evolution is fact.
I'd say there are some pretty big hurdles to overcome for me to ever believe there is a god again.
a modern day jewish prophet who correctly predicted the six day war in 1967 and the yom kippur war in 1973 has also predicted north korea would bomb seoul which would culminate in the final war of gog and magog.. .
for details.
Predicted by computer models.
they claimed divine inspiration, but since then, just say they have Jehovah's holy spirit directing them.
But there is no difference, inspiring them or directing them leads to the same place if true...the point is if they are wrong then there is no direction.
slimboyfat, it appears that wts is going, gone digital.
can you show your view what is wts next move after they are completely gone from kings county and settled in warwick?
- this thread is your if you want it..
As I keep saying every publishing company is doing what the WT is doing...the cost of ink, paper, printing facilities now is far higher than it has ever been and therefore the WT are simply cutting costs.
Warwick was to cost $200 million when it was being planned...they sell the NY property for $1 billion. They cut a lot of costs already and will continue to do so until they are the point they can live with what is coming in.
I think SBF's opening post is very good but still can't see them demise because of money issues...they will address these at some point.
But they are on a gradual decline and in 20 years+ will have major issues...not money perse but doctrines...but again I expect them to change that too.
Religion is a lot like a sports team...no matter how poor your sports team is you stick with them...ditto for a religion.
Slow long decline yes...but they won't go bust because of a lack of money...they will evolve and adapt to survive that IMO.
1914 and the anointed/overlapping generation will be huge hurdles to overcome.
perhaps the one scripture most often quoted by jws is matthew 24:14: "this good news of the kingdomwill be preached in all the inhabited earth and then the end will come.
" even after decades away from the kingdom hall, i can still rattle off that verse.
i daresay all 8-plus million "active" jws can also recite it, plus the untold millions who have left or become inactive across the decades.. it is among the top cornerstone texts used in jw communications.. but now there's a significant shift in the use of that text: jws often focused heavily on the part of the scripture about the end coming.
Hmmm.... could the next NewShiteLight be that the big A probably isnt gonna be within our lifetime?
That was pretty obvious to most dubs when they changed the generation from being literal!