Hi Finkelstein - ever considered that that clay tablets could be faked by poor people digging in Babylon and getting paid good money by some wealthy Europeans? Just a thought. Dates may not be all they are cracked up to be.
All 13,000 of them?
personally i think it is 1914 and the following " this generation " doctrine.. this particular doctrine went right against jesus's own words of " no one knows of the time not even he " .
he also admonished his true followers to not set a time upon god's own sacred time .. the leaders of the wts even back to the late 1800's set a time calculated on their own theology 1874 being the first time set and proclaimed by c t russell, also proclaiming 1914 would likely be the year of the final day of judgment armageddon.
all throughout the 20th century the wts held to this doctrine but was eventually revised of course when it was realized this generation had passed away who saw the events of 1914. .
Hi Finkelstein - ever considered that that clay tablets could be faked by poor people digging in Babylon and getting paid good money by some wealthy Europeans? Just a thought. Dates may not be all they are cracked up to be.
All 13,000 of them?
personally i think it is 1914 and the following " this generation " doctrine.. this particular doctrine went right against jesus's own words of " no one knows of the time not even he " .
he also admonished his true followers to not set a time upon god's own sacred time .. the leaders of the wts even back to the late 1800's set a time calculated on their own theology 1874 being the first time set and proclaimed by c t russell, also proclaiming 1914 would likely be the year of the final day of judgment armageddon.
all throughout the 20th century the wts held to this doctrine but was eventually revised of course when it was realized this generation had passed away who saw the events of 1914. .
1914...it just doesn't stand up to biblical, secular and archaelogical facts.
But hey when do JW's care about that.
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
Of course, the WT taught it was 606 BCE because in their maths they counted a zero year.
1 BCE...0 CE...1 CE.
Whilst there is no zero year.
1 BCE...1 CE
So when they realized their mistake you would think, if being honest (don't snigger) that you adjust your end date of a prophecy to 1915 because...well...you cannot change a date in history.
It would be like me say I'm 30 years old...looking at my birthday...realize I'm 31 but then adjust the year I was born to suit that I am 30.
The fact the WT is willing to adjust a date set in stone in history (forget the 587/586 bit for now) rather than the end date of a prophecy is clear that they simply want it to fit to 1914 no matter what.
There are over 13,000 tablets that show the destruction was 587/586 BCE...it is irrefutable.
The WT only stance is "well the bible is inspired...the 1914 is true therefore it must be 607 BCE".
I'll repeat...the fact they adjusted the date in history marked by events and recorded by a people who recorded everything rather than adjust the date of the end of their prophecy shows what they are...a cult.
i am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
The simple fact is that there is secular evidence that supports 607 BCE
Eh? You need to do research mate, zero secular evidence.
this is quite incredible.during his talk, the branch overseer, made a special talk dedicated to the apostates.. he clearly emphasis his point, "apostates used to be between us, really you can talk with apostates, those people are good, of course their point of vue is different than ours now but they are mostly very nice poeple, and you shouldn't be afraid to talk with them.
"though as usual, the reaction of the brothers was quite the same, impassive, i was very surprise by this statement.i cannot assume if this is just a one man step ahead towards the apostates, or really a change in their policies, this came from the mouth of a branch overseer.of course, for obvious reason, i won't give the name of the brother, which is famous, but only here in an central european country.i would have expected him to quote more scriptures, but he didn't, he could have use the one for jesus himself :"you should love your enemies", as apostates were really the "enemies" for the wtbs for such a long time, maybe now that the king of the north is awaken, apostates are not so bad after all ?
just wondering....
Don't buy it.
i’m fairly new so i don’t know everyone’s backstory.
how did you realize the organization was false?.
Easy....facts...607 BCE was NOT the destruction of Jerusalem.
That ONE fact destroys 1914 which takes down the self-appointed GB power and when you remove that from your mind and see their teachings as is from men it doesn't stand up.
I resigned as an elder on March 2012...stopped going in October 2012 and never looked back.
i was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
So many weird comments on here.
TM has not done anything technically wrong...except he preaches and teaches one thing and this video highlights another.
You can't preach and teach that money is tight, it should be donated, even at the cost of an ice cream and splash $800 on booze...if an elder caught a dub buying $800 of booze there would be "questions" asked and the conversation would go something like it is not a good witness.
There may be legit reasons to buy $800 of booze but if you considered "Jehoover" then perhaps you wouldn't do it in broad daylight on a Sunday morning.
It's the hypocrisy in it...
i was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
I thought it was Aprils Fools...but its not....astonishing!
we all know the society would love to get rid of all the problems caused by clinging to 1914 and all they claimed it meant for the last 100+ years.. it looks like they are laying the groundwork for easing away from the whole concept of 1914. this would also let them do away with the ridiculous "overlapping generation" bullcrap.
what a diaper load that has been.... anyway, the following is from their super secret marching orders for april, 2019. draw your own conclusions.... "3.
“100 years of faithfulness”: the coordinator of the body of elders, or another elder, should be invited to read the following special announcement.
Whilst some in the past have clung to dates such as 607 BCE, the Faithful Salve has always advised caution.
But the WT are the ONLY people who say 607 BCE is important!!! Nice April Fool for sure.
horror is easily my favourite genre of movie so i just thought i'd start a thread on it.. horror can be done badly and there are plenty of crap horror movies, no doubt about that.
but horror can also be done very well, too - often on a low budget.. plus, there are quite a lot of subgenres - slasher, supernatural, monster movies, body horror, psychological horror, zombie, vampire, etc.. so, do you like horror?.
what's your favourite subgenre?.
Goodnight Mom...psychological horror...very tense...I love horror films like that...
Found footage possession films are great too.
The greatest horrors are what humans can do to one another not aliens or monsters. I guess that is the point of The Walking Dead.