No agenda, just browsing the various interesting subjects. I admit I do enjoy being drawn into a good debate though.
When its all I said I do appreciate you engaging with me on this subject. Now, I also understand that there is much opinion on this site (as you yourself admitted), as much as ‘facts’ are touted. I would imagine that is the case when we are discussing the subject of religions and orgs. So many aspects of these are subject to ‘opinion’ and that little word called faith.
There are a few facts to say the least, but your frustrations originate from the lack of palpable proof (or whatever you may be looking for) in regards to many elements of this particular religion. For ex, I cannot prove to you that the f&d slave is such, anymore than you cannot prove to me that it isn’t. It’s a matter of opinion and that little aforementioned word again.
On the subject of mind control…I could go as far as to give in a little on that argument only because you yourself have admitted that one can submit to mind control willingly. This happens in religions and outside of them. Take for example your marriage…it too has ‘rules’ and ‘consequences’ for not following them, right? if the lady cheats on you or vice versa I gather it won’t feel very good. But if you care enough you’ll follow the ‘rule’ and avoid the consequence. See? Now who invented such a rule and more importantly, why would you follow it willingly? Was it mind control? Could it be because your ideals and sense of self worth compels you to it? Possibly…
But the fact is you bought into the idea of marriage and you willingly follow its ‘rules’…until you decide its no longer worth it for you…same with any religion, you have a choice…