Is something wrong with sex and nudity?
Is a glimpse of a dick worse than seeing people murdered?
I never see people complain that "hey did they really have to show that person getting shot 3 times, wasn't 2 enough?
in the movie "roma," a man is shown making some martial type moves with a sword totally naked.
and the scene is not so brief, giving a clear glimpse of his private parts.
it is a very graphic scene.
Is something wrong with sex and nudity?
Is a glimpse of a dick worse than seeing people murdered?
I never see people complain that "hey did they really have to show that person getting shot 3 times, wasn't 2 enough?
if you haven't seen it already, skip to 1:14:30 in lloyds video and watch the craziness unfold..
i'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.. they're digging themselves a great hole here, in about 30 years time they'll be claiming this video was a mere "speculation" and that "some people" got the wrong ideas..
1:18 - Satan is so stupid - even though this video is out - he still will do the 1 thing that makes god kill him:)
He said just what the GB say. This is Satanic - but then imposed NO policy to make changes.
The groups that met at the Vatican with the Pope Cardinals and Bishops are not happy at all.
Nothing has changed.
publisher record cards and reporting hours will be going away.
coming soon.. made this post 4 years ago, it happened -
haa - funny - no way will it ever ever happen.
it has been reported that many of the older publications are being dumped.
the watchtower bible and truck society have a long list of books, pamphlets and brochures that are no longer available either in print or in their data base on their web sight.
of course the reason is that this books have a lot of old information that is incorrect, false prophecies, flip flops and a lot of "new light" that became old light.
Present Truth Baby!
anyone remember when someone was reinstated after the announcement they congregation would shake hands and hug?
then they announced a new rule that this was inappropriate to clap or hug, shake hands, that the newly reinstated was only doing what they should bla bla bla.
Conditional "love" anyone?
it has been reported that many of the older publications are being dumped.
the watchtower bible and truck society have a long list of books, pamphlets and brochures that are no longer available either in print or in their data base on their web sight.
of course the reason is that this books have a lot of old information that is incorrect, false prophecies, flip flops and a lot of "new light" that became old light.
Nothing new.
This has been done with "out of date" pubs for ever.
We would usually be told to have campaigns to get rid of them and what's left trash.
i need to vent about some stuff that this religion does to just about anyone at this point.
so i was raised in this religion and when i was 12 or 13 i told my mom (and step dad which has made my decision much firmer) that i didn’t want to be a witness because it’s too restrictive.
my mom proceeded to cry and guilt trip her way into ending this conversation.
so a recent post by a troller linked to a youtube vid of the midweek meeting stream:
just assuming everyone knows that this is the congregation in pt.
richie, fl that wt uses for all the shut ins approved for logging into with the privilege of getting their meetings at home.
Sadly giving great talks was my VALIDATION in life to a great extent.
My reward was moving people. Though I was shy I did love the validation at conventions when there was a line of people who wanted to tell me that what I had said touched them in some way.
I also felt superior almost all the other brothers who just mailed it in, or really just didnt have the ability to do better.
Pouring my soul into each line was my "work" and gave me the subconscious licence to NOT have a career, NOT plan for the future, NOT work on having a nice home, NOT do anyone of a million things I regret so much now.
so a recent post by a troller linked to a youtube vid of the midweek meeting stream:
just assuming everyone knows that this is the congregation in pt.
richie, fl that wt uses for all the shut ins approved for logging into with the privilege of getting their meetings at home.
No I didn't do that.
When I was a PIMO Elder and the School Overseer and someone who went out and gave talks 2 or 3 times a month - I did my best to remove the CULT CRAP from any part or talk (congo or assembly) and LACE IT FULL of LOVE and COMPASSION.
As a PIMO Elder I tried to get people to think that if you were a follower of Jesus, you should show LOVE and Understanding to all.
I tried to get people think about how to add value to their lives and cope with their real issues (not vampires, zombies, harry potter, or porn) by valuing people, family, life, and how to think about LOVE being the answer to happiness.
Of course in the end it was like punching the ocean.