Over one year since I presented this challenge and I have yet to hear from the elder's or the WTBTS.
My name is STILL Brian Funches from the Oreland (PA) Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses.
i am officially retiring my other two personas (mister biggs and mister 8iggs).
quick history: i chose biggs because i am a huge fan of ronald isley (and his brothers).
i initially added 8iggs because i went over my quota for posts one day.
Over one year since I presented this challenge and I have yet to hear from the elder's or the WTBTS.
My name is STILL Brian Funches from the Oreland (PA) Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses.
hello jehovah's witness spys who like to see who is posting and speaking their own ideas about what they have learned for most of their life.
and that most of it is caca.
in all seriousness i do think there is spys who do snoop around in this site as well as other ones, and tell the rest of the elders who is being naughty or nice.
Obiwan... If you have proof, feel free to share it. As for MY experience, I have been on this board for almost TWO years (real name and all) and I even made a CHALLENGE to the WTBTS and not one peep from anyone trying to "catch" me.
Here's the link to my challenge: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/36867/1.ashx
part i: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58849/1.ashx .
part ii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58890/1.ashx .
part iii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58975/1.ashx.
Part I: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58849/1.ashx
Part II: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58890/1.ashx
Part III: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58975/1.ashx
Part IV: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/59206/1.ashx
I have told you about the type of person I was once I became inactive in 1984/1985. My inactivity lasted until 1987, my senior year in high school.
My brother finished college and upon his return he discovered that we had all stopped going to the meetings. He was shocked. However, he wasn't deterred. For some reason, he had a burning desire to resume his Bible study. He progressed rapidly. I think he got baptized in 1988. Backtracking back to 1987, he would ask me every meeting day if I wanted to go with him. At first, some days I'd say yes and some days I'd say no. However, I began to say yes more and more. Then, I even became more bold. I started to witness to classmates. I was becoming a JW again. I was even liking it! But then my joy was shattered!
Back, But Not Forgotten
When I started to be regular at the meetings, the "friends" would try to be encouraging (in their own minds). The reality was, they were tearing me down. First, my older brother began to develop this holier-than-thou attitude. He was going full speed ahead! Second, more than once, the "friends" would say to me, "Oh, it so good to see that your Big Bro has you coming back to the meetings" and "Your Big Brother is doing so well!". Little comments like that began to eat at me. When I expressed myself to my brother how I was feeling he told me, "That's awfully haughty of you!" Huh? Me? Haughty? If anything, I was stupid since, even after all of this, I still kept going back.
"Brian Is A Womanizer!" LURKERS - Pay Attention, Please.
Not really, but that was the gossip going around about me. How could such a rumor get started? I'll be glad to tell you how it started and, more importantly, how it ended. I previously explained how I would always have a girlfirend during my inactive years. I wasn't shy about it. I would be seen in the neighborhood with a girl or at the bus stop waiting for the bus to take my girlfriend home or at the movies with a girl. You know the deal, don't you? Well, I can't and won't deny that I had 'worldly' girlfriends. But, when I started attending the meetings regularly in 1987, I gave all that up. I was trying to live as a JW. That meant no girlfriends (especially 'worldly' ones) unless you are contemplating marriage.
Since I was trying to make new friends, I decided to visit a congregation near my home. I did and I met three 'brothers' there who were my age. After a couple of months of getting to know these guys, two of them cut me off without giving me a reason. The third one. Mike, explained it to me like this: "Biggs, our P.O. (Presiding Overseer...an elder) and his wife have said some things about you. They said that you are bad association and a womanizer."
Hurt, I asked Mike: "Why would they say such things about me?"
Mike didn't have an answer. I was really hurt by these accusations. What would you do if you were me? Note: Mike is no longer a JW. All I know is that he now lives in Chicago.
Boldness Was Needed
I mustered up the courage to call this elder, this P.O. Here I am, an 18 year old young man with very little Christian credentials taking on a so-called spiritual giant. I confront him. He denies ever saying it. He checks with his wife. She denies any wrongdoing. I take their word for it. However, Mike kept insisting that they were still saying these things about me. Who was I to believe? This time, I decided to handle it differently. I called an elder from my first congregation and asked him to help straighten the matter out. He called the accused P.O. and again the P.O. denied the allegations. The elder called me back and told me that I should wait and see what happens. Geez! How long was I supposed to wait?
Don't Let The Door Hit Ya' Where The Good Lord Split Ya'!
Within weeks, I was finally vindicated. What happened? Well, the P.O. left his wife for a Pioneer sister! He just up and rolled. He moved down south. I was so relieved! I saw his wife at a mini-market. She looked at me with a broken smile and she had embarrassment written all over her face. She barely could utter the words, "Hi, Brian". I responded with a great big sarcastic smile and a "warm" greeting, "Hi, sister Monroe. How are YOU? How are things going?" She said fine and then quickly got in her car and then left.
My Editorial
First, I would like to say that it was obvious that this P.O. was actually talking about himself when he called me a womanizer and bad association. Second, his wife never apologized. I didn't really expect her to, I guess. Next, I would like to ask any of you who have read my experience(s), have you had a similar experience with an elder slandering your name? Have you personally seen an elder run off with another sister? I ask because I know some of you have. In fact, I'd venture to say that some of you lurkers have had an eerily similar experience that has happened to you or someone that you know.
Tomorrow night, we will travle a bit further on the road that leads to where I am NOW!
well, the upcoming nfl season is about to start in two days, with my team the new york jets being involved in the opening game.
now i was a little discouraged when our starting qb chad pennington (the best in the nfl) went down earlier in the preseason with an injury that will keep him out for more than half the season, but fortunately for the jets, they're one of the few nfl teams with a backup qb that can be a quality starter, so i don't expect that we will have much of a drop off with vinny testaverde taking the reigns temporarily.
he'll surpass 40,000 career passing yards this year, and he also has a stronger arm than does pennington, so look for deep plays to the wide receivers.
*Turning on the Governing Body switch*
It was never stated by me that the Eagles would be good. Sadly, some have misunderstood or took it upon themselves to believe this is what I said. Never were such words as "definite" or "absolute" written by me. There is no reason to research what may or may not have been said in the past. You should all just focus on the future and stand by and watch as the light gets brighter and brighter.
*Turning off the Governing Body switch*
a little log house 1 bed located in a place like arizona (where it is just a bit green somewhere like flagstaff).
a cat - if i can take care of it .
a horse (but in arizona they live free so there i wouldn't have to buy one).
My dream is to visit Fortaleza (Ceara), Brazil
and meet a woman named Emilia
and live happily ever after.
part i:
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58849/1.ashx .
part ii: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/58890/1.ashx.
LOL @ Prisca
and to think that the bible condoned stoning on grounds of adultery.
nigerian lawyers hopeful in stoning case.
From Jeff Koinange
Thursday, September 25, 2003 Posted: 7:19 AM EDT
Amina Lawal pictured with her son
KATSINA, Nigeria (CNN) -- An appeals court has freed a Nigerian mother sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.
The Shariah Court of Appeal ruled on Thursday that Amina Lawal's conviction was invalid because she was already pregnant when harsh Islamic Shariah law was implemented in her home province.
The 31-year-old, who was in court with her baby, Wassila, has been appealing the death sentence for two years.
"It is the view of this court that the judgment of the Upper Shariah Court, Funtua, was very wrong and the appeal of Amina Lawal is hereby discharged and acquitted," judge Ibrahim Maiangwa said.
Shariah law, based on the teachings in the Quran, Islam's holy book, is practiced in 12 of Nigeria's 36 states.
Lawal's case had become the focus of human rights groups around the world who were outraged at the sentence that Lawal should be buried up to her neck and then have stones thrown at her head until she was dead.
Had the court not overturned the verdict, Lawal would still have had two appeals left, one to a Nigerian federal court and a final appeal to Nigeria's Supreme Court. Neither of those courts is governed by Shariah law.
Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo had said if Lawal's case reached the Supreme Court, he would make sure it was overturned.
Lawal was convicted and sentenced in March 2002 after giving birth to a baby girl more than nine months after divorcing. Under the strict Shariah law, pregnancy outside marriage constitutes sufficient evidence for a woman to be convicted of adultery.
A court stayed her execution for two years to allow her to care for her baby.
"This is all I have to live for right now," Lawal said before the hearing. "My child means everything to me."
Lawal lives with her father, his two wives and their numerous children in the tiny village of Kurami, deep in Nigeria's Islamic north. The village is so small that it does not appear on a map.
She insists she did nothing wrong and that the man who fathered her child made a promise to marry her. He did not, leaving her pregnant and with no support.
The man said he was not the father, and three male witnesses testified he did not have a sexual relationship with Lawal. The witnesses constituted adequate corroboration of his story under Shariah law, and he was freed.
Lawal is the second woman to be sentenced to death after bearing a child out of marriage since 2000, when more than a dozen states in the predominantly Islamic northern Nigeria adopted strict Islamic Shariah law.
In March 2002, an appeals court reversed a similar sentence on Safiya Hussaini Tungar-Tudu after worldwide pleas for clemency and a warning from Obasanjo that Nigeria faced international isolation over the case.
The adoption of Shariah, which includes amputation as a possible punishment for convicted thieves, has stoked violence between Muslims and Christians in Africa's most populous state. More than 3,000 people have been killed.
hello jehovah's witness spys who like to see who is posting and speaking their own ideas about what they have learned for most of their life.
and that most of it is caca.
in all seriousness i do think there is spys who do snoop around in this site as well as other ones, and tell the rest of the elders who is being naughty or nice.
Singing Man-
I've posted my REAL name and my real name is in my Profile AND I was very recently an ACTIVE Publisher. I have yet to be called on the carpet. So, I don't think they monitor a site like this just to gather names.
and to think that the bible condoned stoning on grounds of adultery.
nigerian lawyers hopeful in stoning case.
Nickey...It's nice to meet you. I don't recall ever seeing your name but, obviously, you've been around because you have almost 300 posts!
First of all, it's just inhumane. Second of all, a man HAD to be involved. Third of all, they need to re-think their Muslim rules.
and to think that the bible condoned stoning on grounds of adultery.
nigerian lawyers hopeful in stoning case.
And to think that the Bible condoned stoning on grounds of adultery.
Nigerian Lawyers Hopeful in Stoning Case
Katsina, Nigeria -- Lawyers for a woman ordered stoned to death for having sex out of wedlock were confident Wednesday that a five-judge panel would spare her.
A decision on the appeal of Amina Lawal, a 32-year-old mother, is expected Thursday in a case that has dragged on for more than a year and sparked international outcry.
If the sentence stands, Lawal could be the first woman stoned to death since states in Nigeria's predominantly Muslim north adopted strict Islamic law, or Shariah, in 1999.
Yet few believe the brutal punishment -- in which Lawal would be buried up to her neck in sand and then stoned to death -- will ever be carried out.
An Islamic court convicted her in March 2002 of having sex outside marriage after her daughter, Wasila, was born two years after Lawal had divorced her husband. The child is now nearly 2.
"We have very strong grounds for appeal," lead lawyer Aliyu Musa Yawuri told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
An earlier appeal filed by her team of volunteer lawyers was rejected by another court in August 2002. If her sentence is upheld Thursday, the case will go to an appeals court in the north-central city of Kaduna, and then possibly to Nigeria's Supreme Court, Yawuri said.
Yawuri has argued Lawal's case should be dropped because no lawyers were present when she first testified she had slept with another man after her divorce. Yawuri said Lawal -- a poor, uneducated woman from a rural family -- also didn't understand the charges against her at the time.
Lawal identified her sexual partner, Yahaya Mohammed, and said he promised to marry her. Mohammed, who would also have faced a stoning sentence, has denied any impropriety and was acquitted for lack of evidence. (Haven't they heard of DNA testing?!?)
Lawal's case has drawn sharp criticism from international human rights groups. Ministers in President Olusegun Obasanjo's government and world leaders have called for Lawal to be spared. Last week, Brazil offered her asylum.
She remains free pending a final decision. Judges have said she would not be executed until she finishes breast-feeding her baby in January.
Four other people have been sentenced to stoning deaths. Two were acquitted, and two others -- a pair of lovers -- await a decision on their fate.
Introduction of Islamic law has heightened Muslim-Christian tensions in Nigeria, Africa's most-populous nation. Religious, ethnic and political violence has claimed at least 10,000 lives since Obasanjo's 1999 election ended 15 years of repressive military juntas.