The thing that sucks about Nassau Colliseum is the space (or, lack thereof). The rows are soooo narrow and the seats are uncomfortable. Even though I hated the outdoor conventions (and I spent most of my convention life at The Vet in Philly...Hell on earth), going to the Nassau Colliseum was always taxing on my knees.
Ah! But I have a funny memory of Nassau: One year I was seated behind a family consisting of a father that looked like Hitler and Moe (from the Three Stooges), a wife that looked like she was from the Leave it to Beaver era, and a daughter that was somewhere between autistic and retarded. She was very, very active and she was crosseyed. Oh, and her parents would dress her up is some ultra-corny Little House on the Prarie outfit. Each time we had to stand and sing, the little girl would plant firm kisses square in the crack of her daddy's ass!
Even funnier, somehow we ended up behind them again the following year.