People from all over the United States enjoy the taste of a Samoa cookie or a Thin Mint. In fact, during the winter campaign of the Girl Scouts of the USA, people spend millions of dollars on these delicacies. But, should a true Christian purchase a box of Girl Scout cookies? Linda* (*not her real name) said that she buys no less than 18 boxes of the cookies every two weeks during the campaign. "I'm addicted", she confesses. Robert* (*the name has been changed) adds, "Do-Si-Dos, Thin Mints, and all of the various others are simply too good to pass up!".
But, have you ever given pause to think about what you are supporting? According to a box of Thin Mints* (*the actual name of the box has been changed), you are supporting the Girl Scouts to build "Strong Values. Strong Minds. Strong Bodies. Strong Spirit. Strong Friendships. Strong Skills. Strong Leadership. Strong Community."
Should a true Christian want to promote such "strong" ideals when it comes to the female population? Ask yourself, 'When was the last time I saw a women microphone handler?', and, 'Is there a such thing as a female elder?'. The answers, of course, are 'Never!' and 'No!'.
Really, what do these things mean?
Strong Values = Where else but in God's earthly organization can one receive teachings to receive their values?
Strong Minds = This is promoting independence from the one true God.
Strong Bodies = What fine Christian Shepherd wants to come home to a masculine woman?
Strong Spirit = Only one spirit should be promoted amongst us: God's Holy Spirit.
Strong Friendships = Friends of the world are an enemy of God.
Strong Skills = Again, only brothers who are reaching out should develop any kind of skills. Duh!
Strong Leadership = Women are born to follow, not lead. We say so. So put the matter to rest.
Strong Community = Community Shommunity!
So, we here at Headquarters say 'NO' to Girl Scout cookies. But, if you already bought some and you feel a little guilty, don't hesistate to send 'em on up this-a-way. We'll get rid of them for you.
By the way, speaking of Thin Mints, why do some of the boxes contain perfectly round cookies, while others have a more of a flowery shape? Hmmmm.....